Part 7: Neeeding Her

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(Inuyasha's P.O.V)

I seen Kagura standing there with Kagome. "Kagome! Kagome get away from her!" I tried to warn her. We had finally made it into the clearing to where we were only feet apart. Oh what have they done to her. She wasn't fighting to get away. What have they done to brain wash her so much.

"Why would I want to get away from my best friend?"

Her what? Why is this happening. If she wasn't here she wouldn't be in this mess. This is all my fault. Oh Kagome come back to us please. "You're what? Kagome what are you talking about?"

"Prepare to die Inuyasha." She drew out her bow and prepared to fire at me. This isn't her. Their doing this to her to get to me. "Any last words?"

"Kagome I know you're in there. Fight it. You can still come back with us."

She stared at me for a minute and for just a second I could see Kagome's old eyes. The ones that would stare at me with care and love.

"You're dreaming Inuyasha. My love belongs to Naraku. He is the only one for me."

There was something on her wrist. It was gold. She didn't have a bracelt before. Is that what was controlling her.

"Inuyasha you see it to don't you?" Miroku asked me.

"Yeah I see it." Kagura eyed us closely. She knew we noticed something.

"What will we do." He asked me.

I drew my sword. Kagura brought up her fan. "I'm taking Kagome back and that bracelet is coming off!"

"You will never reach her. Her soul is forgotten. Her mind is overtaken by Naraku. Kagome hurry and fire your arrow!"

Kagome's bow was still pulled back, but a sweat on her brow was starting to form. Yes! Yes Kagome fight it! I will save you!

"Inu...Yasha. Go. I can't...fight long."

"I'm not leaving you! Ever Kagome!"

Tears began to fall from her eyes. I started towards her with my sword raised. I was cutting that bracelet off now!

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