So that night, they talked about happy times. They reminisced the funniest moments of their lives.  Devon recounted the day she fell down the stairs because she thought she saw the monster “unding” crawling out of  the bathroom upstairs. 

James then told the story of the day he and his brother Malcolm got  circumcised under the hands of the prettiest doctor they have ever seen.  Devon could not help herself laughing from how the two boys tried their best to calm down their puberty testosterone surge.

They talked about everything until Devon fell asleep with a bright smile on her face. 

Remembering that moment, Devon could not help but smile and giggle a bit.

“What are you doing? Sunbathing?” Shey interrupted her thoughts.

Devon opened her eyes. “Hey, you’re blocking my sun,” Devon complained, her words slowly enunciated and a little strained. 

Shey smiled.  “Trust me honey, you don’t want to get baked, you’re tan enough.”

“Spending too much time indoors is making me too pale,” Devon complained.  “I feel like I am one of those vampires from the Cullen family. Too white, they’re the same color as their teeth.”

“Dream on,” Shey countered.  One thing that Devon did not lose along with her physical abilities was her happy nature. She could still come up with a witty remark, a joke, even in the direst situation.

“You’re here early,” Devon remarked.

Everyday, Aling Linda will arrive at around seven o’clock in the morning, giving James enough to time to prepare and go to work.  Everyday, except of course when it is raining, Devon is wheeled outside in the terrace so she would be able to enjoy the morning sun and fresh air.

By nine in the morning, Mang Tony will drop by to help Aling Linda in giving Devon a bath.  It was as if she was a baby again.  Devon was frustrated at first, bath session would lead to highly-emotional Devon. She would cry and fret.  But things changed when she realized that she should be thankful that somebody is there to give her a bath.  She decided to focus her energies on positive things.

After giving Devon a bath, Mang Tony would then bade goodbye and go back to tending his vegetable stall.  Devon’s sisters would come by noon to relieve Aling Linda from taking care of her.  They would then given her massages until she fall asleep.  By early afternoon, Shey and Ivan will bring dinner and they will stay until James comes home.  By the time James got back home, the party is already on full swing.  Aling Linda and Mang Tony will bring additional food. All of them would eat together at Devon’s bedside. Shey and Ivan are always the last to leave.  They would take charge of washing the dishes, while James rest for a bit.

Aside from Devon’s family, Ivan and Shey, Malcolm, Jacqueline and Mrs. Rocafort are always in their apartment during weekends.  They would bring endless bags of food, medicines and other medical supplies.  Devon even joked that they could start a business of reselling the items that they have brought. Mr. Rocafort, even managed to visit Devon twice. Dr. Alvarez would drop by three times a week to check on her condition.

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