Chapter IX

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When James arrived home, Devon was already up and sipping some hot coffee.  James smiled at Devon and walked towards her, he remember the grieving Aleli he has left in the park. He felt guilty, but he has to do that.  Aleli has to realize that things have ended between them for a long time already.

James approached Devon and kissed her on the forehead.  James felt Devon getting tensed. He did not pay attention and instead walked towards the sink to get a drink.

“Jogging?’ Devon asked.

James nodded in between his gulps of water. “Yeah. Did you see my note?” James asked and pulled a chair besides Devon.

Devon nodded. “Alone?”  She braced herself for his answer, she heard James talked to Aleli that morning. She knows that he went jogging with her, but James does not know that.  If James said he was alone, then there are just two possible reasons, it is either he does not want to hurt her or he still has the torch for Aleli.  She was hoping it was the first one, but in her heart she dread if that will be the answer.

James caught the tensed look in Devon’s face. “No,” James said. “I was out with Aleli.”

Devon was prepared for the answer.  In her mind, she was just thinking that he was about to deny it.  She already mapped out what she’s going to say if James lied about jogging with Aleli.

“What are you thinking,” James asked.  He sensed that something is wrong, the minute he walked into the room and kissed her forehead.

“Nothing,” Devon avoided and kept sipping on her coffee, feebly trying to pay attention to the newspaper in front of her.

James grabbed the newspaper from Devon’s view. “What are you thinking,” he insisted.

“James, give me back the paper,”  she begged. 

James shook his head, “Not until you tell what is wrong.”

“There is nothing wrong,” Devon answered, probably too fast and in a higher tone that she intends it to be.

James raised an eyebrow. “Really, baby, I can smell a lie.”

Devon shook her head and then buried her face on her hands and started to mumble. James has to pull her hands away from her face to understand her.

“What are you saying?” James asked.

Devon looked at him grudgingly. “I said I don’t like you going out alone with Aleli.”

“Are you jealous?” James teased.

Devon gave out an exasperated sigh.  “But I don’t have a choice, right? If I will die in a couple of years,  then you are better off with somebody I know.”

It was James time to become tensed, “What are you saying?”

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