“There’s nothing difficult to understand, James,” Devon tried to keep her explanation short.  “We just live in two different worlds.  Being together will just hurt more people.” 

Devon was about to turn around and leave when James stopped her.

“Who are we hurting?” James tried. “Damn it, Devon, talk to me.”

Devon could not stop the tears now.  “Don’t you see, James? We will just end up hurt in the end.  This will not work out, we might as well end it now.”

“What are you talking about,” James vented out. Anger, frustration building up in his voice. “Just two weeks ago, everything was fine. And then you suddenly started avoiding me and now you’re telling me, we’re over?”

“Yes, I am,” Devon felt that all her strength and resolve has suddenly left her.  She must leave the office.  She pulled her arm out of James’ grip and started towards the door.

“I am sorry, James, but trust me,” Devon began.  “This is how it should be.”  With that, she silently closed the door behind her.

James fell into the nearest chair, crumbled.  He felt that everything is crumbling around him. He felt something tearing inside his chest, and in that moment,  his vision began to blur. He started to cry.  He has gone deeper into hell.


Devon refused to eat, even if it her mother placed her favourite adobo in front of herAling Linda looked at her daughter, Devon has lost a lot of weight in the last two weeks.  Sometimes during the night, she would hear Devon quietly walking around the house, turning on the TV, flipping through old magazines and books, or just tossing on her bed.  Nights also seem to be sleepless for her daughter. 

“You should eat,” Aling Linda softly said to Devon.  “We all need our strength in dealing with our problems.”

Mang Tony looked at his daughter.  He looked at his wife and wondered, would life be different if he was not born this poor. “We are sorry, anak.  You have to pay for our mistakes. We promise that we will try our best to pay our debts in the bank, and maybe we can bring back what is lost.”

Devon’s two younger sisters looked at each other.  “Ate, we told Inay that we can stop this semester.  We can get full-time shifts and work until the loan is fully-paid. Then we can go...,” Dianne explained.

Devon waved her hand, cutting her sister.  “Nobody’s working full-time, aside from me. You can still stick with your part-time jobs since they fit your student schedule perfectly.” 

“But Ate...” Danica tries to object.

“It’s okay. We have already made an agreement, they are not touching the house given that I do what I have to do. And I already did,” Devon stated.  “I will be fine.  Broken hearts mend, you know that,” bravely putting on a fake smile on her lips. 

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