"It's fine, Marty. I got stuck with a late night tonight, after Jekyll was rather cold to me. So it's just me, in Brion all alone except for the clock's ticking and maybe a few spiders."

"You know, I've been meaning to talk to you 'bout that. Haven't you gotten a weird, I dunno, feeling lately?" Marty asked, his chipper tone faltering to something more serious. Valarie frowned, turning her chair back to the desk and playing with a small bobble head she had on it. It had been a gift from her face; a alien bobble head. She watched the large, cartoonish green head bounce up and down at her slightest tap.

"Apart from today, no. Their old scientists, Marty. They are all a little odd...."she trailed off, pulling her free arm from the bobble head and grasping her other arm, which she used as support on the desk. "...and ornery? I'm not sure what you mean." Valarie sighed, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I mean- well I'm not sure what I mean. But if I was you tonight, I'd keep my eyes peeled. That place just gives me bad vibes." Marty mumbled. He began to speak again, but the connection seemed to start breaking up, and his voice began to only come in fragments.

"Marty? Marty, I can't understand you." Valarie looked up, her eyes watching a window on the door- much like a state school rooms door. The hallway seemed dark, only some lights from exit signs and other rooms were the lights remained on illuminating it.

A silhouette glided across the window, before it seemed to backtrack and barely look on. The shadows casting from the frame around the window made it impossible to tell anything about the figure who watched Valarie.

"Hello?" Valarie called, pushing herself out of the chair which slowly rolled away from her, from the sudden force of her legs pushing it back. The silhouette's head quickly ducked out of frame, aware it had just been caught.

"Val......going........you........okay?" Marty's fragmented voice called, obviously worried from her sudden actions and call to something he couldn't see.

"Marty, you're breaking up. Listen, I think someone is in Brion. And if they steal anything, it's coming from my pay check. Bye." Valarie quickly spoke, and hung the phone up before tossing it back on the desk. She yanked open a drawer; several items clanging together in it. She grabbed the round, grey metallic flashlight she kept stored in case of a power outage.

Valarie closed the desk and began to slowly approach the door, holding the flashlight in more of a threatening stance in case whatever she saw lurking waited just outside for her

"Listen, I saw you! No point in hiding anymore! Now, just come on out." Valarie cried, her voice somewhat trembling. Naturally, she would've assumed a prank. But Brion was such a stiff environment, she knew it was anything but.

Valarie sucked in a deep breath, built her bravery up, and grabbed the door handle. She gently turned it, opening the door far enough she could peek her head out. Nothing.

       Valarie frowned. She could have sworn she saw someone right outside the door. Valarie looked down to the flashlight she clutched in hand, and pressed the button, turning it on. She waved the light around the hall, nothing looming in the shadows.

      Valarie finally found it in herself to open the door more, taking a quiet step into the corridor.

    "Listen, this isn't funny." Valarie called as she began to slowly walk down the hall. She shined the light over every knock and cranny; somewhat petrified of who or what could be lurking in the shadows, just waiting to pounce on her.

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