Chapter Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

I watch my mother walk towards a small table and open the draw. She carefully took out something sharp and sparking. She holds it up.

"We have do something soon, the crystal has already found her." my mother cries, her fingers tighten over it, clasping it. "I'll hide it somewhere, where it won't follow us." She adds franticly

"It's been following us for months Aeowyn. We might as well accept -"

"No!" My mother cuts him short, shaking her head, her dark hair wavering to her waist.

"You don't realise what they would do to her. They would kill her. Her blood is the only way to save our world!:

My father slumps over the basket as if defeated. "I know... I'll travel out tonight and dispose of the crystal. Hopefully it'll take longer for it to reach us." He looks up at my mother, her arms are tight across her chest and she looks weary and tired, gaunt and weak. She is diseased already, but it would take years for it to take over her body. I stare hard at the scene in front of me; it feels so real however I know this is all in my head, but how? How am I dreaming this when I have no knowledge of what happened?

Suddenly the scene fades and I'm plunged into darkness once more


"Sophia...Sophia wake up."

"Mac, she's gone. She's dead...Look."

Kieran points towards the river of blood, now saturating the moss covered ground. It seems to have a life of its own and he remembers the crystals fluid, Sophia was forced to drink. One hand on Mac shoulder he gave it a squeeze as if to say 'it's time to let go'. Mac was slumped over Sophia's body, cradling her lifeless form.

It had been difficult to fight Fia. The raging magic that was used was enough to make them all weak. However, Fia had known dark magic and knew how to manipulate the Fae. How she grew up without anyone knowing of her studying it, no one will ever know. Kieran and Mac fought with all they had, both Unseelie and Seelie coming together for the first time in centuries and like always it was over a girl, a girl who would save them all.

Mac held Sophia to him, tears rolling down his cheeks. The blood was now completely drained from her. However, he wasn't watching as her blood flowed through the grass, igniting the milestone and turning the symbols all different shades of neon colours. Kieran gasped as each stone lit up like a beacon, the blood now luminous lead green colour reached the centre, it slithered up the slate and enveloped the crystal water Lilly on top, it began to crack as if the blood was bad for the shards eventually it burst, sending tiny fragments soaring in all directions. Kieran shielded his eyes as the sparkling dust reached him and Mac. It seemed to have covered the whole area. It looked as if someone had dropped a large pot of glitter everywhere. Once the dust had settled Kieran blinked and watch the once dead plants and vines comes to life, it was slow but he could see it, feel it.

"Mac." He said, shaking his former enemy.

Mac glanced up briefly, but he didn't care. What was his life now? That the girl he loved was gone? He turned back to Sophia, her eyes were closed and her hair fell around her shoulders. She looked peaceful; he placed her back on the soft ground. He wiped his wet cheeks and stared at her, willing her to come back to life. He sat next to Sophia was a while, ignoring Kieran's suggestions and comments.

"I just want to be with her for a while." Was all he could manage to get out.

"Fine." Kieran said, he was still watching the transformation as vines and moss that covered statutes and buildings began to fall away. It was as if time was reversing itself and Faerie was going back to its former glory. Kieran wondered if this was happening all over the realm and not just here.

Kieran heard Mac exhale sharply; tearing his eyes away he looked down and double took. He didn't think his eyes could get any wider. The sight that greeted both Fae was remarkable and serene. Flowers began to grow and blossom all around Sophia, over her legs, forming a blanket and in her now long hair. Pinks, purples, reds, blues, every colour and type of flower formed it's way around her and she looked as if she was lying on a bed of flowers. She looked beautiful, she looked like sleeping beauty.

"What's happening?" Mac whispered, using the heel of his hand to wipe away the last of his tears.

"I'm not sure." Kieran replied.

They both watched as the flowers bloomed. In the distance you could hear the songs of birds, the wind carrying the forgotten sounds of the forest once again. Sunlight dipped down and parted the enclosed overgrown trees. Sophia lay motionless, her skin as pale as snow. Her lips were pink and her hair glistened as the sun's rays moved along the ground.

"The new lease of life around us is looking after her." Said a gentle voice.

Mac and Kieran glanced up at the lady standing at Sophia's feet, now hidden under flower beds. Her fiery red hair hung loose down to her waist. The top of her head was covered by a dark green cloak. Kieran bowed down onto one knee, head forward. Mac dropped his head and the first sight of the goddess.

"She is not dead, nor is she alive." Danu smiled, eyes sparkling.

"Will she wake up?" Mac asked, risking a glance at the woman

Danu grinned wider and she bowed her head at the two young princes. She waited a few minutes before answering.

"Only Sophia knows the answer to that question." She said gently.

"What do you mean?" Mac asked, his straight eyebrows knitted together.

However, the goddess was gone, disappeared into thin air.

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