Chapter One

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Chapter One

The emerald crystal was nothing remarkable. It looked like any other crystal encased in a fine silver design with links either side connecting it into a delicate necklace. It dangled effortlessly, catching the bright lights of the lab, it sparkled brilliantly. It was beautiful to look at, like all necklaces. Costume jewellery, maybe? It looked ancient and untarnished, like it was a prop belonging to a fantasy film or a Shakespearian play.

But I knew there was something odd about it from the moment I was shown it.

The Fitzwilliam museum was deserted on this late October afternoon. Pieces of ancient artefacts had been arriving all morning and were quickly and graciously added to the many fine exhibits that were going on this week. I was up to my elbows, researching medieval coins for the coinage exhibition starting in December. I was glad to be finally going home.

So, I was surprised when Karina stopped me at the entrance of the museum.

'Sophia, another collection has arrived,' she said, with excitement. Her grey eyes were large and pleading.

'Oh, go on then,' I replied, flashing a half smile. She always reminded me of a puppy, excited about everything. I was ready to go home and relax but looking at Karina's eager face I followed her back to the research labs, down underneath the museum. I had known Karina for eight years, as soon as I graduated from university and landed a job here. She always joined me on huge projects like this one, her knowledge on historical artefacts was outstanding and I admire her for that.

'You're not working late are you?' I asked, concerned. Karina would work all the time if allowed. She threw a wary grin over her slender shoulder as we walked through the automatic doors. The lab always reminded me of how a typical science lab should look. All four walls were brilliant white. With white tables adorned with all the latest technology to help researchers get the job done. It also reminded me of the Apple store around the corner.

The labs were filled with all sorts of treasure. Containing anything from five-hundred year old manuscripts from the colleges to thousand year old bit and bobs of ancient artefacts from around the world, all ready to be discovered and tell their story. Karina disappeared into the delivery room for a moment and returned with a wooden box, medium size with intricate Celtic designs etched all over. It looked like a scaled down version of a treasure chest. My skin suddenly tingled, goose bumps rising as she placed the box on the table and stooped to inspect it. This was a good find.

'It looks rather ancient. I'll make a note that it needs to be archived and logged after you are done with it.' Karina stated, her fingers running over the carved designs.

'Do you want me to remind you?'

'No, I've already done it.' She grinned, tapping her temple slightly.

'I don't know how you remember it all in there,' my smile widening.

Karina rolled her eyes and went to open the lid, but it wouldn't budge. She frowned and tried again.

'Looks like it doesn't want to be discovered.' she said, spinning the box gently to look at the hinges on the back.

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