"You're kiddin' right? We've only just..."

"Sorry. The frustration helps." Liam shrugged.

"Lemme get this straight...you've got a fight so I don't get any for a month and a half?" Zayn questioned with a laugh.

"Well there's nothing to stop me getting you off. I just can't..."

"At all? You can't even have a wank?!?" Zayn's amused outburst caused several people to turn in their direction, much to Liam's embarrassment. "I thought that was just an old wives tale?"

"It's not. And listen, we've not been together long, it's not really fair of me to ask this of you so feel free to, I don't know, hook up with other people I guess."

"It's only six weeks! I can wait, I'm not an animal."

"Well..." Liam joked, earning a playful slap on the arm from Zee.

"No, seriously though it's fine. It'll be good. We can use it as a great opportunity to get to know each other in a non-sexual way. Actually the more I think about it, I love this!"

"I hate this!" Zayn exclaimed, banging his head against the table.

Chris tried not to laugh as she stroked the back of her friends head. "Not long now Boo."

"Why did I have to say no when he offered to be my own personal blowjob machine? Why Chris? Why?"

"Because you're a doll and that would be unfair to the poor lad."

"I tried to not jerk it but I had blue balls after a week. I nearly downloaded Grindr. After a week. I don't know how Liam does it, I really don't."

"I'm going shopping if you wanna come? Nothing takes my mind off sex better than clothes."

"Like you need your mind taking off it with Edward 'the powerhouse' Styles at your beck and call. If he's anything like his brother..." Zayn sounded a little too wistful for Chris' liking.

"Oh god you're not tempted to hook up with Harry are you? Bad idea Malik!" she warned.

"No, not at all, you guys were right. I'm concentrating on getting to know Liam and I haven't even spoken to Harry since the shoot at his squat."

"Yeah sorry about that again. I totally forgot. But erm I didn't realise you haven't been talking to him...he meeting us in Knightsbridge. Sorry. Its him I'm shopping for."

"It's fine. I wasn't not talking to him, just trying to put some space between us like you suggested."

So off they went to meet Harry at Gucci's Knightsbridge store.

"Heeey Melick, I was starting to think you'd forgotten all about me." Harry pouted, before unleashing his dimples as a huge smile spread across his face. Zayn wished his face didn't light up in response, that he didn't suddenly feel warmer, happier and lighter. Like he'd been holding his breath since they'd last spoken and suddenly he was allowed to exhale.

"Hi Harry." He breathed.

They stood smiling goofily at each other while Chris muttered "Bad idea, I knew this was a bad idea. Right," she announced with a sigh "Harry you're in accessories, Zayn you're in outerwear. You will not spend the afternoon flirting. You will shop and bring your items to me in men's formal for my approval, and you will do so without interacting and distracting each other"

"Yes mum." The pair chorused, trying not to laugh, avoiding one another's gaze knowing they would piss themselves if they did. "Well? What are you waiting for?" Chris shooed them to their respective sections.

Zayn was umming and ahhing over an orange nylon stretch trench which he liked the colour and cut of but wasn't too keen on the fabric

"psst!" he heard making him turn his to see Harry's head poking through the knitwear on the rack behind him. The sight made him giggle in spite of himself "I never could take you anywhere. Get out of the jumpers Harry."

"I don't want Chris to see me...she's already shouted at me once in the last half an hour, apparently I don't 'take fashion seriously enough'. I had to show you this though." Harry's hand came flying out, clasping a truly hideous taupe flower print silk twill double breasted blazer. "Eighteen hundred quid!" he laughed. Zayn bit his bottom lip trying not laugh. "But wait. It gets better..." Harry thrust his other hand through "Matching pants!"

Zayn's booming laugh drew the attention of one of the consultants.

"Can I help you? Sir please get out of there."

"I have never, never, been so embarrassed! Kicked out of sodding Gucci! Gucci!" Chris threw her arms up as Harry and Zayn hung their heads. "It's like working with globdamn children. I'm going to Prada you two can go to Topman. You obviously can't be trusted in proper shops."

Zayn found himself in the high-street shop with his ex, being followed by a stream of teenage girls. Harry of course used this to his full advantage knowing Zee would never start a scene in front of them.

"What's going on babe? You don't look too happy." Harry questioned, thumbing a geometric print t-shirt.

"Nothing's going on. I'm good."

"Look, I was trying to be delicate. I know you better than anyone Melick and you've got that 'Harry's been on tour and we've not fucked for awhile' look. I thought you were seeing someone? Because if you're not and you're in need, I suppose I could help you out. As a friend of course."

"I am seeing someone. It's going great." Zayn said through gritted teeth. Do not give in to him; think of Liam he thought desperately. Liam and his stupid sex ban.

"Ohhhh he's just shit in the scratcher then is he? I'm so sorry love. But I guess when you're used to someone as talented as I am; you're bound to be disappointed by other men."

"Oh sweetie. That's so true...of most other men but Li- the guy I'm seeing- is so-" Zayn sighed contentedly before continuing "heads and shoulders above anyone I've ever been with. Unfortunately he's a sportsman and he has a sex ban at the moment."

The corners of Harry's mouth twitched "How long has it been?"

"Five loooong fucking weeks. With one more to go"

"If it becomes too much you know where I am."

"I do. Thank you." Zayn rolled his eyes before adding "You'll be with Fede right?"

"Ahh, you've heard we got back together then." Harry's hand went to his hair, a nervous habit of his.

"Mmm. So much for I'll wait as long as it takes, you can't fight fate and all that shite 'ey?"

"Well, see my thinking was; better I sleep with her than anyone else right? That way you have no worries about me falling for anyone new. You already know I've slept with her so I thought it would bother you less."

And there it was. The reason Zayn both loved and hated Harry. To Harry that actually made sense, in his own way getting back with Fede was an act of love. And he was right; it actually did bother Zayn less. It still hurt though. He wished it didn't, that he could hear of Harry's exploits and feel nothing, but that didn't seem to be on the cards anytime soon.

"I don't care who you fuck Harry." He lied.

"Yeah you do. I'll stop if you want."

"I'd prefer if you stopped talking about it yes."

"No I mean I'll stop sleeping with her. If you ask me to, I'll stop."

"Screw whomever you want." Zayn dropped the clothes he'd been planning on buying on an end table and started to head out of the store.

"Whom?!" Harry laughed "I must've really pissed you off. You only get all proper like that when your inches from smacking me one."

"Let's go get a coffee." Zayn suggested with a soft voice. It was time to make Harry see there was no going back, he'd killed them and he would just have to deal with that.

"I know that tone. Ok if we have got to do this, I need a proper drink."

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