Chapter 20

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Paige gasped as Goblin dropped her towards the ground and laughed as he did so. Normally, she could shoot a web and be safe, but her webshooters were destroyed. Her hair whipped in her face as wind rushed past her. She closed her eyes in preparation for her fate, but was surprised when she felt someone catch her. She looked to see Peter had caught her and then grabbed the cable to the tram. He shot another web to keep himself from dropping the class.

What are these kids even doing being out so late, shouldn't they be at home asleep or something?! Paige thought to herself.

She then realized it wasn't late anymore, but early. The sun was just rising over the horizon.

"Peter," she cried.

"You're going to have to climb down and make sure those kids are alright," he grunted in pain.

"Peter, I don't have a mask!" she yelled just so he could her. "Wait I have an idea, give me your web shooter. Hold on, I'll get it."

She took the device off of his wrist and out it on hers. She quickly formed a web bandana and wrapped it around her face. It covered her from right underneath her eyes down so her identity still wasn't blown. She put the web shooter back on Peter's wrist and crawled down the cable to get to the little kids.

She then heard the Green Goblin's laughter fill the air. Paige looked up to see him going straight for Peter. She flinched when she saw him shoot out blades from his glider and the blades grazed Peter's chest, but it still drew blood.  She felt terrible when she heard him grunt in pain.

She felt useless as she climbed down to the tram car. She stuck to it and looked in the window as the web bandana covered her face.

"Is everyone okay in there?" she asked.

One of the few adults in there went over to the glass.

"Yes, we're okay. What's going on out there?" the man asked.

She heard a pumpkin bomb go off and looked to see Goblin sending razor bats at Peter. She lifted her hand to try to shoot a web, but then remembered that her web shooters were destroyed. She saw a boat go underneath the tram.

"Spider-Man! We're going to go underneath the tram! Set it on the boat!" one of the men on the boat yelled.

Paige looked up and saw how Peter was struggling with Goblin fighting him and holding the tram up. Then she saw a tomato throw at Goblin as he turned towards Peter. She looked up and saw New Yorkers throwing garbage at him. She smiled as they yelled at Goblin to leave them alone. The boat was finally underneath the tram and Peter lowered it down with her on it. She helped the little kids and the adults get out of the tram, when she felt someone grab her.

At first she thought it was Peter, but she saw the green costume. She struggle against his grip, but realized even if he did let go she would fall to her death. He threw her into an abandoned warehouse with greenery growing inside of it. She looked around as his laughs echoed off the walls. She heard a crash and then saw Peter drop down.

"Where is he?" he asked.

"I don't know," she shook her head as she looked around frantically, trying to figure out where he was.

Then, razor bats came out of the shadows and flew towards the two. Peter and Paige both did several flips and bends to avoid the razor bats, until one dug its way into Paige's shoulder. She yelped in pain as she struggled to pull it out, but Goblin lifted her off the ground by her throat. She felt the blood loss and lack of oxygen start to take its toll as everything stared to fade, she was looking feeling in her entire body, and a slight glimmer of a light in the mix. She saw a red and blue clad hero tackle goblin and force him to release her. She lifted her hand as she felt where she guessed her neck would bruise.

Peter quickly ran over to her and took the bar out while he webbed it up quickly. Goblin flew back over and sent Peter flying into a brick wall. She looked over wearily as things slowly started to come back. A pumpkin bomb went off in front of Peter's face, and she saw half of his red mask burn. He fell down and lifted his wrist, until Goblin stepped on his wrist.

"You've spun your last web, Spider-Man. If you would've  gone easy, Spider-Woman's death would have been quick and easy, but now that you've really pissed me off, I'm gonna finish her nice and slow in front of your own eyes! Paige and I are gonna have a hell of a time!" he yelled as a blade came out of the glove of his costume.

She flinched at all of this, but Peter looked back with new determination in his eyes. He punched Goblin in the face, and when he tried to bury to blade in Peter's skull. He caught it, and broke it off the green armour. Peter continued to punch and kick Goblin, until he cried out.

"Stop! Stop! Peter, it's me!" he pleaded as he took his mask off.

"Mr. Osborn," Peter mumbled, but Paige could still hear it. "How could you do this? You wanted to kill Paige right after she went to Homecoming with your son. You killed all those people."

"It was the Goblin. It was him not me! I never wanted to hurt you or Paige or anyone else. Please save me now, you're the only one who can, not even my own son. Peter, my boy, let me be your father," Norman cried to Peter.

She noticed the glider come behind Peter with the blades still out from earlier.

"Peter.." She tried to warn, but it came out as  nothing but a whisper.

"I have a father, his name is Ben Parker."

"Godspeed, Spider-Man."

The glider sped forward, but Peter back flipped out of the way and the blades dug into Norman's chest as it pinned him into the wall. Blood started to drop out of his mouth.

"Don't tell Harry," he gasped before slumping forward onto the glider.

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