Chapter 17

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Paige sat in her science class. Monday morning, let's try so it's not too terrible, she thought. She looked around to make sure nobody was looking and then pulled out a draw and started mixing chemicals. She checked it to make sure it was the correct formula that would work. It was an update in her web fluid, even though she worked off of Peter's, it was still nice to have just in case. She quickly closed the drawer as Cindy walked over to her. Paige didn't know Cindy too well, but she thought Cindy was nice.

"Hey, you're Paige right?" she asked.

"Yeah," Paige nodded.

"Well, I'm Cindy and I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to be on the academic decathalon team?" Cindy
questioned. "You know it'd be me, you, Peter, Ned, Liz, and Michelle on the team, and we do have some other people I think you'd like. Well, except Flash, who's first alternate."

"Oh, well, that's really nice of you. Um, yeah, I think that'd be fun," Paige nodded.

Cindy walked away, and Paige continued on the assignment, sometimes messing with her webbing.


Captain America fitness test. Oh, don't you love challenges from superheroes who are fugitives now? Paige was in the middle of doing sit ups with Peter right next to her. Ned was holding Peter's feet down, while a girl with blonde hair Paige didn't know held hers.

"Wow you're really good at this!" the girl exclaimed.

"Thanks," Paige stated in between sit ups.

"I'm Betty, by the way. Betty Brant," the girl smiled.

"Paige Parker."

"Oh so you're Peter's younger sister?" Betty asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Paige raised an eyebrow.

"Liz talks about you all the time. She goes on about how sweet and caring you are to how cool you are for a 14 year old," Betty beamed.

"Oh, right, Liz. Yeah, Liz helped me out big time on my first day here and it just kinda stuck," Paige nodded at the memory.

"Yeah, Liz is like that. You should totally help out on the Homecoming committee," Betty suggested.

"Oh, right Homecoming is just Friday, but I don't know. Everything is just crazy right now," Paige responded.

"Oh, well, maybe next year?" Betty suggested.

"Yeah, that'd be great."

"Good job, Parkers," Coach Wilson commented as he walked in between the two Parkers.

Paige smiled at Peter.


Paige sat in Spanish class as she impatiently waited for the bell to ring. She tapped her pencil again the desk as she also tapped her foot. The bell finally rang. She grabbed her backpack quickly and darted out of the classroom. For once, today at school actually went really well. Even Flash had kept his big mouth shut. She looked around for any people, and seeing none, jumped over a big fence. She looked around afterwards for Peter. She ran towards the sandwich shop that they always went to after school.

"Hey, Paige, two number fives?" the man who ran it asked.

"Yes, with pickles and can you squish one down real flat? Thanks," Paige smiled.

The man nodded in response and handed her the sandwiches.

"Ten dollars," the man concluded.

Paige handed him the ten dollar bill and then left. She ran into a nearby alley. She took off her shoes and tossed them next to her bag she took off her jeans and shirt to reveal the familiar red and blue suit. She slipped on her mask, gloves, and boots, and then webbed her bag to the side of the alley. She shot a web and swung up in the air.
She started off on her patrol as Spider-Woman.


Paige sat on a fire escape as she ate her sandwich with her mask pulled above her nose. Her phone rang. She looked down at the caller ID. Reid. The two had been dating a while at this point. She put down her sandwich and answered.

"Hey, Reid. What's up?" she asked.

"Hey, Paige. I know that you wanted to go to Homecoming Friday," he sneezed in between. "But I have the flu, I can't go to Homecoming. My mom is afraid I'll get you sick."

"I'm sorry Reid, it's okay," she sighed.

She had been looking forward to it, but if Reid couldn't go....

"I know you were looking forward to it, and it's too late to get a good date, but...if you want to you can go with that Harry Osborn guy you work for," he suggested.

"Oh, right, Harry will be coming to Midtown Wednesday," Paige remembered.

"Yeah, I won't mind if you go with him. I know you just want to go and have fun," Reid assured.

"Okay, I hope you get to feeling better," she smiled weakly.

"Thanks," he responded. "I have to go, bye."

"Bye," she hung up.

She swung off to go talk to Harry, it was time for her to go there anyway.


Paige walked through the lush Osborn penthouse halls to try to find Harry. She only had one room left to look in. His bedroom. She walked nervously towards the door and knocked.

"Harry?" she asked.

"Just a second," he responded through the door.

He opened the door shortly after.

"Your looking after me again? I thought when dad said he hired an intern she'd help at Oscorp, not turn into my babysitter," he rolled his eyes.

"I'm not you baby sitter, I just keep you company pretty much. I do help out in the labs when I'm not here, though," she retorted.

"Well, then you came because you wanted to see me before Wednesday. So what's going on at Midtown?" he questioned.

"Homecoming, this Friday," she answered.

"Crap, and I don't really know anyone there. Plus everyone probably has dates," he thought out loud.

"Well, you're in luck."

He gave her a confused glance.

"My boyfriend is sick so he can't go, and he actually said that I could go with you," she explained.

"Really? That'd be great!" he smiled wildly.

She returned the smile. Maybe going with Harry to Homecoming wouldn't be too bad.

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