Chapter 10

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Paige was staying in the shadows. Unfortunately, Tony Stark had taken Peter's suit, and he thought that if Peter didn't have a suit, she wouldn't go out. Sadly, he was wrong. Paige felt that something was out of the ordinary, and she wanted to find out what it was. There had been a decrease in crime, but there should've been a rise. Paige wondered what was coming. She made sure that nobody or any security cameras could see her. Suddenly, she saw Goblin fly past the alleyway she was in. She jumped up on the roof and then chased after him on foot. He eventually landed inside a warehouse. She looked around, and then swung in. She looked around and saw a chair the mask was hung up on. She slipped down from the ceiling and hid behind some boxes and equipment that nobody could see her behind. She peered out from behind the boxes. .

"Alright, so Tony Stark thought it was a good idea to have those Spider-Rats stop coming out. So if we are going to take over this city, now is the time," the Goblin voice rang out.

"Then how do you plan on doing that?" a man with the suit said in a normal voice."We could fry the city power grid."

"You all aren't thinking! If we make a move with both of them still alive, they'll just come back out of hiding and stop us! We need to make sure the itsy bitsy spiders stay down," Green Goblin scowled.

"And how do you suggest we do that?" the man questioned.

"It's quite simple actually. We cause a fuss. Take some hostages. They come straight to us, we reveal their identities, and we kill them right there in front of a horrified crowd!" Green Goblin laughed like a maniac.

Paige ducked back behind the boxes. She waited for him to leave before she herself left. She jumped up onto the ceiling and started to crawl to the window. She jumped out and then ran on top of buildings to Aunt May and Peter's apartment. She changed in the alleyway next to the building and then walked in. How could she explain this to Peter?


"You've got to listen to me!" Paige yelled.

"Stark took my suit, what do you want me to do?" Peter asked.

"Maybe use your old one that he didn't take," she replied.

"If he so much as sees me out in costume, I'm done," Peter sighed. "And to keep you from hurting yourself going out for the Green Goblin alone, then give me your suit."

Paige's eyes widened. She wearily handed her suit over.

"Now, just try to forget about that whole thing. There is nothing we can do," Peter wearily stated.

Paige left his room and went to her own. She looked in her closet. She dug around until she found it. Her old suit. The one she wore in Chicago. She stuffed it in her backpack, just in case.

She took her laptop out and started typing. She was on Skype. There was only one person in America that could help her right then. Her friend Sydney in Chicago. Her blonde haired, brown eyed with glasses friend appeared on the screen.


"Hey Sydney. I need some help."

"Help with what?"

"The itsy bitsy spider needs to catch some flies."

Sydney and Paige had created a code in case she needed help crime fighting.

"What's the fly? What type of flies do they have in New York?"

"The Green Goblin."

"On it."


30 minutes later Sydney finally found them all.

"No stores or anything. So no robberies. It's more like that big building with a penthouse on top of it."

"Okay, good."

"What's with the Green Goblin?"

"He's this crazy villain that looks like a green gargoyle and he is out to kill me and my brother. So fun..."

"Your brother? I thought Nick died in that robbery."

"Turns out I have another brother named Peter. He's actually biological. I also have an Aunt May. So that's who I'm living with now, since my adoptive parents divorced and Stephanie moved back to Chicago. Jeff is getting into some legal trouble. Turns out New York isn't for him."

"That's terrible! Well I have to go. My parents are making me go to this silly family thing. Bye."


Paige closed her laptop and then grabbed her backpack. Her internship at Oscorp was in 15 minutes, and so Peter wouldn't suspect anything, she had to walk there.


She walked in the large building and walked to the receptionist.

"Name?" the receptionist asked.

"Paige Parker," she replied.

"Okay, here is you name tag. We actually have someone who would like to meet you in the lab," she smiled. "It's on the 53rd floor. You'll walk down the hallway and it's the second one on the right."

"Thanks," Paige stated more enthusiastic.

She walked to the elevator and pushed in the button with the number 53 on it. She rode up to that floor. She walked into the second room on the right. She saw a man in a suit with brown hair. He turned around.

"Ah Paige Parker. It's good to meet you," he greeted as he held his hand out.

She shook his hand.

"I'm Norman Osborne," he smiled.

A Web of Trouble(EDITED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz