Chapter 2

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Paige slowly made her way out of the park. She was going to go back home. She walked slowly down the streets as she made her way to her family's new apartment. She felt that she was being followed. She looked behind her a nd saw Peter from the park.

"You following me?" Paige asked.

"This is the way to my apartment," Peter replied.

Peter ran up next to her.

"I live with my Aunt May in our apartment," Peter stated.

"What about your parents?" Paige questioned.

"Oh, um, my parents left me when I was just a little kid," Peter sighed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Paige said. "My parents left me too. They took me to some friends in Chicago and left me with them."

"Sorry," Peter mumbled.

Peter turned for a building and Paige turned for the same building.

"You live here?" Peter asked.

"Yeah," Paige replied.

They took the elevator and brought them to the same floor. They walked to the left of the hallway together. Peter went for the left on the left wall, while Paige went for the one next to his.

"Oh so you're my new neighbor," Peter remarked.

"Yep," Paige laughed. "What school do you go to?"

"Midtown High," Peter answered.

"No way that's where I'm going," Paige smiled.

"Well I'll see you around Paige," Peter waved as he unlocked his door.

"See you Peter," Paige said as she opened her apartment door.

She walked into her apartment and ran for her room. She sat down and started typing on her computer. She looked up everything on Spider-Man and several videos popped up of him saving people. She closed her laptop after Stephanie called for her to eat. After she ate she went to bed. Tomorrow was her first day of school.


Paige woke up the next morning and went on ahead and put on black leggings, a blue denim shirt, a scarf, and white converse. She walked downstairs and quickly ate breakfast to catch the bus. Once she was on several people stopped what they were doing to look at her.

"Who's the new girl?" someone asked from the back.

Paige didn't see Peter. A girl with brown hair and darker skin called out to her.

"Hey how about you come sit with me?" the girl asked.

Paige walked over and sat next to the girl.

"You new to Midtown?" she asked.

"Yeah, my family just moved here yesterday. I'm Paige," Paige answered.


After a few short seconds Liz asked Paige another question.

"Where did you come from?" Liz asked.

"Chicago. My adoptive dad got a new job so we had to move her," Paige answered.

"Well you'll like Midtown. At least you're already off to a good start," Liz remarked.

The rest of the bus ride to schools for Liz and Paige consisted of small talk. Liz was telling her where to go to get her schedule. Then a kid on the back yelled.

"Look it's Spider-Man!" one of the kids on the bus yelled.

Paige looked out of the window, and sure enough, there was the red and blue spandex clad superhero. She just gasped as he moved faster then anyone could see. Eh swung high up in the air, then free fell back down and then swung a web at the lab minute.

"Oh that's right, you just moved here so you probably didn't know about Spider-Man. Well he's a superhero that helps o it with the big stuff that the Avengers deal with to the small stuff like stopping a mugging," Liz explained.

"Nice to know there's somebody watching over the city," Paige remarked.

"Yeah, everyone at Midtown thinks he's pretty cool. Except for very few," Liz said.

Paige stared mesmerized by Spider-Man's swings they just kept on getting higher and he would do flips and turns every so often. She loved it when she could swing through the air.

"Well, looks like someone has a crush," Liz giggled.

"I do not," Paige said as she turned back to Liz.

"It's alright, everyone at school likes him, but people always see him with this one girl all the time so I assume they are dating," Liz replied.

"Nobody has been seeing Spider-Man, Liz. If you're going to tell the new girl something tell her the right information," a girl behind them butted in.

"Hey Michelle, surprised you finally spoke up," Liz groaned.

"Who's the new girl?" Michelle asked.

"Paige," Paige gulped as she looked at Michelle.

"I'm Michelle," she smiled to herself as she sat back down in her seat.

Peter, Liz, Michelle, not even at schools yet and I already know people, Paige thought to herself. The bus pulled up to the school and came to a stop. Paige got off of the bus and headed straight to the office. She walked in and the lady at the desk gave her a confused look.

"I haven't seen you here before. Are you new?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm Paige Jones," Paige introduced herself.

"Ah Paige. Here's your schedule," she handed Paige a schedule."Your locker number and combination should also be on there."

"Thanks," Paige thanked as she walked back over to her new locker she looked next to her and saw Liz.

"Oh, hey. Looks like our lockers are next to each other. I'll see you around Paige," Liz said as she walked off.

Paige opened her locker and put her backpack in there, but kept the materials she would need for class. She started head to Algebra. She walked in and sat down in a seat about in the middle of the entire desks and then wondered why there was an empty seat next to her. The teacher started roll call, who was named Mrs. Davis.

"Paige Jones?" she asked.

Paige slightly raised her hand.

"Ah, so you're our new student, Ms Jones?" she asked.

Paige nodded in reply. She blocked out most of the roll call until she came to a certain name.

"Mr. Parker?" she said slightly louder.

Peter then came running in the door and sat hurriedly down at his desk.

"I'm here," he gasped.

"Late again I see," she sighed as she wrote something down on her clipboard

Peter looked at Paige and waved. At least Paige knew somebody.

A Web of Trouble(EDITED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن