Chapter 15

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  Micah and I rode in Wes's car while Levi rode in Rush's pick-up. Wes turned the radio on to a country music station but kept the volume down so we could talk.

"So where are we going?" I asked him from the backseat while Micah played with my hair like a little kid.

"Somewhere special," he answered. "Somewhere that might be hard for all of us but I know-"

"We're going to Jupiter, aren't we?" I asked, referring not the planet but the restaurant that Aunt Marya had always taken us to for all of our birthdays. The owners were her college friends and they used to go all out on our birthdays.

"They remember us," he smiled sadly. "And they said that they wanted to do your birthday the way we always had."

"Will Rush and Levi be okay?" I asked and I Micah took my hand in his, giving it a squeeze.

"They're coming, aren't they?" he asked. "It's your special day, princess. Aunt Marya would have wanted it this way, too."

"Mom and dad haven't called," I whispered, feeling tears well up in my eyes. Even Mr. Hayes had sent me a text to wish me but my parents hadn't even done that. I didn't know which would hurt more – if they had forgotten my birthday or if they just didn't care enough.

"They'll call," Wes assured me. "They're probably just busy."

I frowned and looked away, only to have Micah shove my face into his shoulder.

"I'm not crying," I mumbled into his shirt.

"I know, I just wanted to hug you," he spoke and I felt his lips brush my forehead.

"You're so weird," I smiled, pulling away.

"Both of you are so weird," Wes shook his head, glancing at us in the review mirror. "Are you guys dating or not?"

"Not," I said quickly, my cheeks turning red.

"Only because she's so in love with Rush," Micah rolled his eyes. "I still don't know what you see in him."

"You don't need to know," I said quickly and stared out of the window.

When we reached Jupiter, Rush's truck was already parked in the parking lot. Wes parked his car next to it and we all got out. I looked around and everything looked exactly the same. They hadn't changed a thing since we were kids.

"They're probably already inside," Wes put his hand on my lower back and led me toward the entrance.

When we walked in, the place was crowded as always with people I didn't recognize at all but as soon as I entered, everybody – the owners, staff and even all the other customers started singing the happy birthday song. I felt my entire face burn with embarrassment as I stood there, Wes's hand around me and Micah chuckling behind me. When they finished, I thanked them all and awkwardly turned to a huge table, filled with food because that was where Rush and Levi were. The other customers turned back to their food and Wes and I went to thank the owners. They spoke about Aunt Marya fondly before telling us to enjoy our meal.

"Come on," Wes led me to the table. "Eat a lot. You're too skinny."

I smacked his arm, laughing and took a seat in between Micah and Rush and Wes sat beside Levi. All my favorites were laid out in front of me – mac and cheese, fish and chips, skewered prawns, hot wings, corn on cobs, garlic fried rice and hot fudge brownies.

"Well, that's a lot of food," I breathed. "But of course, I've also seen the way the four of you eat so-"

Micah leaned into me, cupping his hand near my ear as if he was about to tell me a secret – no doubt because he wanted to make Rush jealous – and loudly said, "Farren, you don't eat like a bird either."

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