Chapter 13

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  I almost screamed when Micah appeared from the bush closest to Pepper. She neighed loudly and took several steps back, pulling the reins that I had tied to the tree. I grabbed onto them quickly before she could break free and tried to hold her in place. Micah came behind me and grabbed the reins, too. I felt the heat of his body behind me and my face flushed red as I realized that I was standing in my underwear. He helped me tie her tightly onto the tree branch and stepped away from her while I tried to calm her down.

"Got a scared little horse over there," he commented and I watched him pick up my clothes.

"She's nervous around new people," I told him as I stroked her.

"Better get her used to me then," he said, smiling as he handed me my clothes. "As much as I'm enjoying the view, I wouldn't want you to catch a cold."

I flushed as I quickly pulled my tank top over my head and pulled my shorts up. I kept my head lowered so he wouldn't see my face aflame and he chuckled.

"Nothing I haven't seen before," he commented and I looked up to glare at him.

"Yeah, I'm sure you've seen hotter half-naked girls-" I started to fire back but he cut me off.

"I never said they were hotter," he smirked. "No need to fly off the handle."

"I'm not flying off anything," I retorted lamely as I shoved my feet back into my shoes.

"You're leaving already?" he asked. "I came a long way to find you. I went over to your place and Rush told me to give up because you went out riding."

"But you came looking for me?" I asked and he shrugged. "Wait. Was it you near the horse trail earlier?"

His sheepish grin was enough confirmation I needed.

"You really spooked my horse," I told him. "But I guess I should thank you since I found this lake again."

"Yeah, well, unfortunately for me, I had to find you all over again," he rolled his eyes. "Anyway, stay with me a bit. I'll take you back home since you obviously don't know how to control your horse well."

"You're the one who scared her!" I exclaimed defensively and he laughed.

So we sat in the grass, chit chatting and watching the sky turn pink and orange in the reflection of the water as the sun set. We played a game where we took chances asking each other questions so we could get to know each other faster. I felt like we instantly clicked and even though Rush hated Micah (though he didn't have a reason to...yet), I liked Micah. He was humorous and sweet and even had a cute devilish side to him. I even saw a bit of myself in him.

"Come on, let's get you home before the power-puff boys come looking for you," he joked, standing up and holding his hand out to me.

I took his hand and he pulled me up. Then we untied Pepper and I held her reins tightly as we walked back to find the trail that led back home.

"You're actually fun to talk to," he told me and I choked.

"Wow, thanks," I said sarcastically. "Such a compliment after talking to me for hours."

"Sorry but my main priority was pissing off Hayes," he smirked. "But now that I've spoken to you, I think this is going to be a very interesting summer. Although I don't know what you see in that guy."

I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment. "I've known him since we were babies. I've seen a lot more of him than these other girls."

"If you're one of those girls who think you can change him from his bed-hoping habits, I'm leaving right now," he teased.

"Whatever, I give up on trying to make him like me back," I sighed. "It's too tiring."

"Does that mean I have a fair chance?" he waggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed. "God, I love your laugh already."

"Micah, stop!" I groaned. "You're making my cheeks hurt from smiling too much."

"Goal one, accomplished," he fisted the air and I laughed again. "I think this is the beginning of a very good friendship."

"I'm glad," I touched his shoulder as we made it into the clearing. "I was beginning to think that this summer was going to suck."

I could see the house and the stables from where we were. I could also see Levi, Rush and Wes watching us, although I couldn't make out their expressions. But by the time we neared the stables, Levi rushed over to us.

"You said you'd be back before sunset, Far," he scolded. "Do you know how freaked out we were?"

"I'm going to kill you," Wes joined in. "I thought you got lost or fell off your horse."

"Well, you got the first one right," I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my neck as Levi took Pepper's reins from me. "Something-" I gave Micah a dirty look. "-scared Pepper and she ran off the trail. I got lost but Micah found me."

"Of course, he did," Rush piped in with a huff.

"Jealous, Hayes?" Micah asked, looking amused. "That I found your girl first?"

I elbowed Micah and he laughed, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"I'm not his girl," I corrected before Rush could say it because I didn't want to feel the pang of pain by hearing his words. "I'm back safely so everyone can chill."

If they were losing their shit about me coming back late, I couldn't tell them about the lake. They wouldn't ever let me go back again. Even though they all knew I was amazing at swimming, I didn't want to take a chance by telling them and getting restricted from going there again. I'd just have to keep it to myself and secretly go there to swim.

"But now that I've gotten lost," I said casually. "I also know how to find my way back so no worries."

Wes rolled his eyes and followed Levi back to the horse stables to lock Pepper up again. Rush scoffed, turned around and headed toward the house. Had he already given up on trying to keep Micah away from me?

"Listen," I grabbed the sleeve of Micah's t-shirt. "Don't say anything about the lake, okay? They'll never let me go back."

"Why not?" he laughed. "You're like a professional swimmer. I watched you, you know? Not to sound like a pervert."

"You do," I joked first and he swatted my arm. "And there's a story behind it. A story I will tell you another time."

"Until tomorrow, babe," he pulled me into a hug then nodded toward the back door of the house where Rush was watching us. "Goodnight and good luck with the power-puffs."

"Goodnight, Micah," I laughed, shaking my head and headed toward the house as he made his way off the property.

And I did see him the next day and the next until finally two weeks passed. We spent every day together – if it wasn't in the morning, it was in the afternoon for lunch or the evening at the lake. It was the fastest I had grown close to someone and the shortest amount of time I had ever taken to start trusting someone. In the short duration of a week, Micah and I had become close to best friends and he knew me as well as Wes, which was saying a lot. Levi and Wes had even gotten used to having Micah around me and around them, too, sometimes. Rush, on the other hand, ignored him most of the time, argued or left the scene if it got too much for him. And suddenly, I didn't care anymore. 

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