Friends, Fun, and Remembering

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Sweet Winter Insanity

Chapter 9: Friends, Fun, and Remembering

A/N: Warning cussing


'I'm glad this is the last day of the week.' Kiera thought as she looked at the script. The bell rung and she sighed in relief. When she walked out the adutorium she saw Jamie and his friends.

"Hey Kiera what to hang out with us?" He asked. Kiera looked at them who gave her a friendly smile.

"Sure, but I won't stay to long." Kiera answered. Not to long Kiera followed them to a basketball court. Kiera watched them play three on three. It was Jamie, Claude, and Celeb, vs. Cupcake, Pippa, and Monty. Kiera didn't know how to play so she sat out. Kiera then saw a blonde head girl with green eyes.

"Hello. My name is Sophie. I'm Jamie sister. You must be Kiera." She said.

"Yeah. Kiera Slender. It a pleasure to me you." Sophie smiled.

"Jamie's right. You are pretty." Jamie's face was red when he heard his sister said that.

"Sophie!" He yelled. Sophie smiled. Jamie threw the ball at her, but with his poor aiming he threw it at Kiera. She caught it, and looked at it. She then started to dribble the ball. It soon went under her left and right leg, and lastly spun the on her finger.

"How about we play 4 against 4?" Claude asked. Everyone agreed lastly Kiera. Now it was boys against girls. Luckily with the free throw that Kiera the girls won. The boys looked down as the the girl cheered in triumph. Kiera smiled.

"Well well well. If it isn't miss fatty." Said a voice. Kiera's smile disappeared. She remembered that voice that was a little older, and the same exact name that she was always called. When she turned around she saw Jason, Michael, and Casey.

"I'm surprise to see you Kiera. It's been 4 years and your still alive." Jason said.

"Leave her alone Jason! Kiera do you know them?! And what did he mean about still alive?" Jamie asked.

"Oh does miss Fatty know us." Jason said smirking.

"Look you asshole. I don't know who you are calling fatty, but I'm not that same little girl who you use to hit time to time. Now leave me the fuck alone." Kiera told them walking away from them.

"You have guts... for a whore." Casey said. Kiera frozed.

"What did you call me?" Kiera snapped. Jamie grabbed her shoulder.

"Jason leave our friends alone, and don't call her that."

"Yeah. You mess with her with us." Cupcake stepped up. Then one by one everyone stepped up. Jason, Michael, and Casey back down.

"Don't worry Kiera your so called "friends" won't always be there for you when you need it." Jason said.

"Oh don't worry I'll managed." That was the last thing Kiera said before Jason walked off with Michael and Casey.

"We're friends?" Kiera asked.

"Yeah. Of course we are." Jamie answered.

"I never had friends. Like human friends." Kiera said.

"Well now you do." Everyone grouped hug Kiera. Kiera hugged back, but started to think about all the wrong she did.

'If they found out that I'm a killer what will they do? Will we stop being friends? Will Slender make me kill them?' Lots of question went through her head. Everyone let her go, and started to talk about random things as they walked.

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