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Sweet Winter Insanity

Chapter 4: Greetings

A/N: Warning cussing


The Guardians made it to the Canadian woods. It was completely dark and quiet.

"Man it's to scary out here." Tooth said.

"Yeah. So where's is this place anyone?" Bunny asked. North looked around.

"Over there." He pointed. Everyone looked past a bunch of trees and saw a dark old mansion. They all walked up the stairs making a long creak sound on every step.

"Man this place is old." Jack comment. North then knocked on the door.

"What makes you think that they well open the door like they're about have guest?" Bunny asked. North struggled his shoulders.

"Worth a shot." He said. After a few minutes the door opened by a boy who looked like a Zelda link, but with red pupils.

"Huh, this is interesting. Slender can you come here for a minute." The boy yelled. Then Slenderman appeared behind him. He also seemed surprise to even with a faceless face.

"Well we would never expect the Guardians to be here. BEN let them in." He ordered. BEN moved and the Guardians walked into a stable home which was surprising because of the condition outside. Slender and BEN lead them to the living room where there was a pause game flat screen tv. BEN continue to play Black ops.

"So what are The Guardians doing in a place like this?" Slender asked. Before anyone could answer Masky, Hoodie, Eyeless Jack walked in.

"Yo what are the Guardians doing here?" Masky asked.

"They was going to answer that before you and Hoodie walked in." Slender said aggervated. Masky and Hoodie sat down watching BEN play Black Ops.

"Sorry, but these are my two proxies Masky, and Hoodie and that's Eyeless a Jack, but we call him EJ. So what where you about to say?" Slender asked North. Again North was about to answer, but a girl about 8, with brown hair, green eyes, wearing a pink gown, and cuts over their body ran in.

"Slendy is K, Jeffy, and Smiley back?" She asked gripping on her dirty teddy bear.

"No Sally they are not back yet." Slender answered. Sally then saw the Guardians.

"Cool The Guardians." She said happily. Sally ran up to them and smiled.

"So you know who we are?" North asked.

"Yes everyone should. Well at first no, but K did. She nice."

"Who is K?" Jack asked. Sally looked at him.

"She my sister, and your cute." Jack smiled.

"Well thank you." Everyone rolled there eyes.

"Sally did you get a gift for K?" Slender asked. Sally nod her head.

"A gift for what?" BEN asked focussing on the game.

"Don't tell me you forgot. Today's is K's birthday!" Sally yelled. Masky, Hoodie, EJ, and BEN jumped.

"How did you forget?! I told you all yesterday!" Slender yelled.

"Uh... um... we didn't forget we... um just need to get it. Right guys?" BEN heistated.

"Right... let's go." Masky agreed. BEN created a portal in the t.v. and they all jumped through. Sally laughed.

"They're in trouble." She sung.

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