Chapter 12: Insanity

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Sorry for not updating for so long. Writers block. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Chapter 12: Insanity
Kiera's POV
I was having a good day so far. I'm in my math class doing simple equation's when I got the feeling someone that someone was watching me. I looked up to only see no looking at me. I continued my work, but the feeling was still there. I went to lunch and noticed that every time I went somewhere with dark shadows I felt the same aura the morning Jack took me to the carnival. I was then thinking about the fun time we had. After I told him be careful what you fall for we went on several roller coaster rides, played several hand games, but I almost broke a guy's arm because he doesn't know to keep his hands to himself. We still had fun though. I made it to the cafeteria sitting with Jamie and his friends. That was then my good day went downhill.
"Hey fatty." Jason's voice hit me ear. I turned my head slightly to see him and his two goons behind him.
"My name isn't fatty; its Kiera, and if you can say it then leave me alone." I said irritated.
"I call you whatever I see fit, whore."
"Leave her alone, Jason." Jamie defended me.
"Stay out of this runt." Michael pushed him down. I stood up and pushed him back.
"You're not going to hurt my friends like you did with me years ago!" I yelled getting the whole cafeteria's attention. Jason stood in front of me, Michael, and Casey were somewhere behind me.
"What about your parents, huh? I beat they beat you senseless." Those words started to bring very painful memories into my head. The cuts, burns, the sexual contact, was all coming back to me. The last imagine in my head was the night I murdered my parents. I felt the insanity that I felt years ago. I was trying to keep calm, but I couldn't.
"Kiera," Jamie's voice hit my ears. "What did he mean about that your parents... beat you?" I didn't answer him. All I could think about was gutting Jason like a wild boar, which I did before on a wild boar.
"Yeah, Kiera, tell him and your friends how your parents physical abused you, and mysteriously died of a fire, and you somehow survived." Casey joined in. My eye began to twitch along with my right hand. I need to get rid of this urge before I do something bad. I grabbed my things and was about to heading out the door, but Jason got in my way.
"Move." I said. He didn't move. All he did was punch me in the face. I landed on the ground hearing gasp around the cafeteria. Jamie and the gang was going to help me up, but Michael, and Casey held them back.
"Get up!" Jason yelled at me as he kicked my stomach. I eventually crawled to another table and got myself up.
"You're still the same pathetic whore that no one cares about." I snapped. I pushed myself off the table and grabbed Jason's shirt. I punched him in the stomach to make him hunch over. That was the perfect opportunity to knee him in the face. He fell on his knees with his hands on his blood gushed nose. I turned sharply at Casey and Michael and tackle Casey first, since he was closer. I grabbed his collar and violently slammed his head against the marble ground. I couldn't stop. The insanity was getting to me, and I was enjoying it. I saw little blood on the ground from Caseys head. So I stop and looked at Michael. He looked petrified. Prefect. He made a mad dash out of the cafeteria, but I grabbed someone's lunch tray and threw it at his head. I manage to get the corner of the tray to hit his neck where you could hear his neck crack. Michael fell instantly. The insanity was soon gone. I was then being stared at by the entire cafeteria. Jamie and the other gave me the same look Michael did. They looked petrified. I grabbed my stuff once more and ran out the school. I took the globe that North gave me and teleported to the woods in Canada. I began to walk to Slenderman's Mansion. Once on the other side I felt like crap. I didn't want no one to see the insanity side on me, but I didn't like my past being told in the present or being called a whore. God I hate that word.

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