Chapter 10: Too Late

Start from the beginning

'That, brat.'

I don't know why am I feeling this way.



That's what I felt after our call three days ago. I'm not dumb for me not to realize what my mistake is...

I know (y/n) misinterpreted my words. And I bet she's mad at me. I have to make it up to her.

Afterall, I also felt different whenever I talk to her, when I'm with her. But I don't want her to get hurt...

That brat deserves better, and it's not me.

I'm just a popular cold hearted vocalist. Someone who don't deserve a person like her.

We're the complete opposite of each other.

But the other side of me conquers the truth that there is something about her that made me feel this way...

Maybe, it's the way she made me smile.

The way she bothers me...

I missed her laugh, her voice when she pronounce French incorrectly.

I'm getting attached to her..

(Y/n) lighten the darkness my heart's been suffering to after I've built walls to avoid myself getting involved again with painful things that happend before...

Part of me tells that I'll only hurt her... just like what I did to Petra.

I don't want to repeat the mistake I already did.
but I don't want to lose her. Just like what happened to my mother...

The sensation of losing someon left a scar on my whole self that always haunts me when I get attached to people...

Especially when they are the important ones...

And those words I've said to her?

I didn't mean it.

Because I've already unravelled the truth my heart's been locking...

I hate to fucking admit it.

I wish I could.

But it's the truth...

I'm in love with her...


-----Third Person POV-----

(Y/n) will be departing in the next 5 minutes... She's been relaxing around the waiting area listening to Fleugel der Freiheit.

She admits that even if she still held a grudge against Levi, her feelings towards him would never change...

Just a minute later, the intercom spoke telling all of the passengers will be departing. While all of them is heading to the airplane.

A certain message (y/n) recieved from a person she loved the most.

From: Levi

Oi, brat. I know you're departing back here. I'm very sorry from what I've said back then. I didn't mean it... I have to tell you something when you get back...

Take care of yourself, brat. I'm worried about you.


As she read it, a smile formed her lips.

To: Levi

Hey, I'm sorry for making you worry, Levi. And I already accepted your apology even after you said it...

See you later. :)

I also have something to tell you...


She pressed the send button and headed to the plane. While they're in their trip. 
An unexpected incident will happen.

"Guys! The oil in the plane leaked!! The bottom part of the plane is burning!" An employee who is in charge with managing the engine came rushing to the middle section of the plane.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened.

"What happened to the passengers?" (Y/n) asked, getting nervous.

"They've been assisted by Mina to come over at the VIP section. We have to get out of here!"

She nodded and went to the intercom.

"Paging, Pilots. The bottom section of the plane is exposed with fire. We have to land or leave the plane this instant." Her voice trembled as she said it.

"Roger! We have to put on the parachutes! We're leaving the plane!"

Every single employee worked as fast as they can. (R/n) and the other flight attendants tried contacting the Trost Airlines, but as soon as they caught a signal, the Airport got the message and acted immediately to the nearest location where everyone is supposed to land using the parachutes.

All of the passengers in the bottom section already went down with their parachutes, as well as as the middle section.

"The fire had spread out in the middle section, were running out of time!" Reported Faye. A flight attendant in the VIP section.

"We have to rush!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

Almost all of the passengers  already landed successfully, except most of the employees including 707, (r/n), Seilah and the others.

"Everyone!!! The plane's wings have been breached by the fire! We're crashing down!!!" The intercom in plane spoke.

Everyone panicked as the plane went down...



How do you think will Levi react if something happened to his precious (y/n)?

Let's find out on the next chapter.


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