“You're so cute when you're embarrassed,” Tora teased, pinching Suzume's cheek. She pulled back quickly when the other girl's hand came up to smack her hand away.

“Stop that,” she grumbled. She shouldered past a few people in the hall, bending her head forward to hide her blush with her hair. Why did she have to be best friends with one of the most annoying people in the world?

“You know you love me,” Tora trilled, skipping past her into Kakashi's class room. “Look another one!”

“Another what?” Suzume asked in an annoyed huff.

“Note and rose,” Tora squealed running to Suzume's desk and grabbing the note before the ice eyed girl could stop her. “'Dear Suzume. You probably think the rose on the locker was a joke, but believe me when I say it's not.' Signed 'Admirer'. Oh we've got a good one here!”

“What to mean we?” Suzume growled trying to snatch the letter from the shorter girl's hand. “And don't read it out loud!”

“Wait there's more! 'P.S.- You're eyes are gorgeous.' Awe how cute!” Tora laughed, obviously enjoying the embarrassed blush that covered her best friends face.

“I don't know why I put up with you.” She sighed, lifting the rose on her desk to her face and inhaling the sweet scent.

“What's this?” Hinata asked walking over to the two girls.

“Suzume's got a secret admirer!” Tora shouted. Her outburst gained quite a few looks from their classmates.

“Not so loud,” Suzume hissed, clamping a hand over her mouth. Tora quickly licked her palm forcing the girl to let go of her. “You're so gross.” Suzume brought her hand down and wiped it on her jeans.

“You would have done the same thing.” Tora said. “Besides it's not like I'm sick or-” Her words were cut off by the ringing of the bell.

“Okay class, take your seats.” Kakashi shouted strolling into the room. Suzume quickly hid the rose in her bag and sat down in the crappy plastic thing the school called a chair. “So today we'll be studying the-”

“Excuse me, Kakashi-sensei?” A boy asked from the doorway. “Um, I have a delivery for Tora Namikaze.”

“Me?” Tora asked in confusion. “Who's it from?”

“Don't know,” the boy muttered. “All I know is I'm getting paid to deliver these to you.” He held out a bouquet of a dozen black and red roses. Tora took them suspiciously and sat back down in her seat. Kakashi just rolled his eyes, muttering something about irritating teenagers, and continued on with the lesson. Suzume smirked when her best friend started to blush. Now it was her turn to do the teasing.

“Who are they from Tora?” She whispered, making the other girl jump slightly.

“N-No o-one.” Tora stuttered, trying to hide the white card that was hidden in between the flowers. Suzume easily grabbed it from her hand and read over the contents. Tora, I'm sorry I can't give this to you in person, but I just want you to know that you're still the only girl for me. I'm sorry for keeping my engagement from you, but I honestly thought my father had called it off after I left Suna. I hope we can find some way to work this out. Love, G.

“I can't believe he did this!” Suzume said with wide eyes.

“I can, but I'm still not forgiving him.”

“At least he got you something, look Sasuke isn't even here.” She motioned over to the empty seat in the front of the class that was normally occupied by her boyfriend. “The guy with the notes is a better Valentine than him.”

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