"Are you sure?" She asks in a low voice, looking down at her hands that are laying on her laps. I notice that the hairstylist and the makeup artist are long gone by now. I look at her in confusion.

"Sure about?"

"About... you know.. uh... turning into a vampire?" She whispers with worry in her eyes, afraid of being heard by those freaky amazing vampires.

I gulp down nervously at her question. I don't know what to feel about my decision that I have taken. But I am nervous about whole dying then waking up procedure. Is it very painful? Matt told me it is. Will I be able to survive? What if i-

Someone knocks softly on the door before it opens. Jenny peeks her head inside, eyes widening in shock.

"Oh my..." She trails off, gasping looking at me up and down as I stand up adjusting my dress so it doesn't come in the way and blushing furiously looking down shyly.

Now it's my turn to gasp in surprise as a body hits against mine, arms circling around me carefully. Laila groans at her mother looking bewildered.

"Mom..." She groans as her mother starts sobbing on my shoulder. Tears sting my eyes also.

I miss my mother and father so much right now. I wanted to see their happy faces on seeing their daughter getting married. I close my eyes as a single tear escapes my eye.

No matter what type of relationship they share, every parent wants to see their children happy and starting a new chapter of their life. Even everybody wants to see the happy and proud faces of their parents when they are getting married. I bit my lip softly as my chest vibrates and a soft sob escapes my lips.

"Ma! You are making her cry! King will kill us! Ma! Her makeup is ruining!" Laila frantic voice is like a background voice.

"Oh my.." Jennifer pulls away with tears following down her cheeks but eyes wide with love.

"I am so proud of you, Alex dear. I am so happy and so proud." At these words, another sob leaves my lips. My heart constricting painfully and love both. Love for this woman who has taken care of me like a mother and the girl, standing behind us who is there for me like a sister. I can never be thankful enough to God for sending them.

"Ah. Don't ruin your makeup now. Xander is losing his mind out there and if he finds out you are crying, God help those poor souls who are with him." We giggle with teary eyes and sloppy smiles. Looking over to Laila, I pull her towards me throwing my arms around her also.

"Thankyou for everything. For being here." I whisper with a gentle smile which they return. Their presence dulls the feeling of being without relatives.

"Oh come on! This is going out of hands." Laila exclaims with exasperation, taking out a tissue from her silver clutch, dapping it lightly on my face to remove the tears.

One more time, a knock is heard but instead of soft like Jennifer's, it was loud and urgent.

"Come in." Jennifer says when nobody had entered. And when the person enters, I grin wildly as I see that person furrowing and looking nervous.


"Hey Harrison!" I yelled running down the stairs. Harrison who was about to step out of the house retracts back inside and looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I grin at him, pulling the sleeves of my white top.

" I want to ask something. Like a favor." He nods at me, hesitancy clear in his eyes.

I just hope he won't say 'no' after hearing what I am about to ask him.

"Uh-I know it is completely crazy to ask someone this. But I want to give it a shot because I really want to ask this and-" He sighs heavily, cutting my rambling off.

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