
Mitch tipped the cab driver generously and floated back to his hotel room. A few words could make so much difference.

"Both of you," he said to himself. "I didn't get it, but now I do."

He dropped his bag on the table and removed his boots.

"This calls for a little toast."

He poured himself a glass of champagne and held it up. "To us. To the future. To not being a self-centred dick."

He downed it in one gulp and poured another, then curled up on the bed with his laptop to find a place that had no bad memories. He wondered how soon he could see Scott again. He felt positively giddy with relief and hope, emotions that he had not permitted himself for a long time.

He could have stayed for hours, talking and laughing into the night, making music and drinking wine. But he'd backed off, not wanting to overstay his welcome. Scott was still a mystery to him, and he wasn't the same as the old days. Who was, when you got down to it? Life changed you, and Mitch himself knew that you couldn't escape your history; you could only make peace with it. Maybe one day, he'd get there.

An hour later Mitch took a quick shower and went to bed, leaving half the champagne untouched. He lay on his back and stared at the ceiling for a while, then gathered the comforter around him into a cocoon. He had no idea where things would go from here, but he knew one thing. He was ready to follow Scott again, into a happier future.

The next morning he woke early and stepped into a hot shower. Scott was going on a short tour starting a few weeks into the New Year. With Christmas coming up time was short, but Mitch had plans.

Mitch was used to being chased, and he loved the game of pursuit. Luca had been an ardent suitor, sending frequent gifts of flowers, chocolates and gourmet food until Mitch consented to go out with him. But the memory of Luca started a dull ache in his chest, and he forced his thoughts elsewhere.

This time, he would be the pursuer. He wanted to delight Scott, and lunch would be only the start of his campaign. First, he needed a car and an apartment, now he knew he was staying in LA for a while.

Luckily, he was able to rent his previous apartment again. By the end of the morning he'd arranged to pick up the keys and a car the next day. He spent the afternoon shopping, smiling at random people and spending some money. Eating dinner alone in the restaurant that evening was not a chore. Mitch flirted with the waiter, just a little. He went to sleep content.


Scott woke the morning after and smiled, still lying in bed. Mitch had been to his house and spent time eating, drinking, talking, and singing with him. He'd have liked Mitch to stay longer, but they really should take things slowly.

Almost two years had passed since the row that ended things between them, and maybe they'd have to go back sometime and pick more shrapnel out of their wounds. But not today. He bounced out of bed, exercised and then meditated. He was ready for the day, ready for a new start.

Letting out the anger and hurt had been frightening but also liberating. He could go on without pain stalking him in his dreams, and the new relationship with Mitch would be an honest one. They had all made mistakes, and learned things about themselves, and they had to carry their scars. The future looked much brighter though, and Scott went out to rehearsals with a spring in his step.

Later that day he Facetimed with Avi.

"You're looking very happy Scott. I guess that's a good sign."

"The first evening was very difficult. I yelled and shouted at him, needed to get it out of my system I guess. You never told me."

"Told you what?"

"He said that you were, and I quote, scary as fuck and warned him off."

Avi paused, looking serious. "What he did was unbelievably cruel and frankly, if I had seen him then I don't know what I might have done. Yes, I told him to stay away until he could behave like a decent human being and apologise to you both. And until then, none of us wanted to see him."

"He mentioned that."

"He had no idea of the damage he did, and Esther cried so many times after seeing you, I couldn't... anyway, it took months before I returned his calls. He never stopped trying though."

Scott remembered rage, burning through his veins, how love and hate threatened to tear him apart. He nodded.

"So that was exhausting, but then the second time went much better." He smiled at the memory.

"I see that," Avi said.

"And I sang him the original lyrics to Between two tides."

"Good, so he understands now?"

"I hope so. I feel optimistic, for the first time in so long."

"You'll take it slow though, right? Because you've both changed, and you need time to get to know each other again."

"Yes dad." Scott grinned at his friend.

"Yeah, well, just looking out for you that's all." Avi smiled back, and Scott's heart swelled with gratitude.

"I know. I couldn't have done this without you and I'm truly grateful. That time I spent with you was a lifesaver."

"Juno's still waiting for her apple, Kaela keeps asking for you, and Isaac is parking his red car in the garage, because it's just like yours. Oh, and Sas misses your nightly lullaby for Shira, she says she can't sing like you."

Scott put his hands to his mouth. "No, really? You'll have to sing it for me until I come back. Give them all my love and give Juno that apple."

"Done. I don't miss you at all." He winked, and Scott laughed.

"Of course not. I'll be in touch, talk soon."

"Take care of yourself." Avi waved and cut the call.

Two days later Scott got the text he was waiting for.

M: How about lunch on Tuesday?

S: Yes, I'm free, where/when?

M: Scarpaldi at one, I'll pick you up around 12.30

S: Okay, see you then

This was different; he knew Mitch disliked driving in LA. The restaurant was unfamiliar, and he resisted the natural urge to check it out. Sometimes it was nice to be surprised.


The angst is behind us, (mostly) so what's next for our guys?

Vote comment and share! I appreciate every one of you for spending time with my story.💖

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