7 The right people, the right words

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"Here's burger fixings, everyone!" 

Scott walked out on the deck and smiled at the people who remained. His dearest, oldest friends, his music family, all lolled around the deck kitchen on chairs and benches brought from the garden. The DJ finished up, and Scott substituted his own playlist. There was one couple swinging in a hammock, Kevin and Lynn he guessed. Fairy lights echoed the stars that dotted the indigo sky, and torch flames fluttered in a gentle warm breeze. For a moment his heart swelled with happiness. This was the night he had dreamed of, a night to remember.

Scott scooped up first Candice, then Esther, and waltzed around the deck. The women had removed their shoes, and he was careful not to tread on their toes as he used his height advantage to rest his chin on their head.

"Hey, what about me? I wanna dance too," Saskia called out. "My husband has abandoned me for food, his one true love."

"And so you shall, milady." Scott bowed to Saskia and offered his hand, then held her gently at the waist and sang to her as they moved slowly around. When the song ended he bowed again and kissed her hand. She thanked him, then rejoined her husband who had finished cooking. Avi discarded his apron, before piling his plate high.

"Come on, eat something," Avi prompted.

"I think I will," Scott replied. He slumped into a chair and stretched out his long legs. "I am exhausted."

"Well, it's hard work throwing the party of the year, homie. Lemme get you a plate." Kevin filled two plates with burgers, salad, fruit and cake, placing them on a table that Mario dragged over next to Scott.

"Thanks guys, y'all're spoiling me."

He attacked the plates with gusto, while Tyler brought drinks and Nicole tucked a napkin into the neckline of his tee shirt. The hunger that had been suppressed by the excitement and stress of earlier was suddenly in evidence, and he ate his way through all the food. He had two pieces of cake, one from the chocolate layer and one from the lemon poppyseed layer.

"Is really good," he mumbled with his mouth full of chocolate cake, "specially because cake is not allowed."

"True, you gotta look good when that man or woman of your dreams shows up," Kirstie replied. "But it's your birthday, and cake is always allowed on your birthday."

The group broke into a spontaneous chorus of Happy Birthday again, and this time Scott knew what to do. He listened, and appreciated, and at the end he stood up and cleared his throat.

"So, I'm no good at speeches but I wanted to say, thanks to all of you for everything. For the journeys we made together, and the memories, and more recently the support I needed." He stopped and swallowed.

"You know who you are... I appreciate the effort, leaving your kids behind—"

"That's no hardship!" Jeremy shouted, to huge amusement.

"Yeah, well, if you say so. But seriously, this," Scott gestured round at the happy faces, "this is everything I dreamed of, even though I got a bit of a shock, but I'm happy." He wiped his eyes with a knuckle as people applauded. "I love you all."

He tried to sit down, but his friends surrounded him, hugging and kissing him and saying lovely things that he was sure he didn't deserve, but he was grateful for all the same. He concentrated on the details of floral perfumes, spicy cologne, the flickering torch flames, his satisfied stomach, a lingering trace of chocolate on his tongue, and the warm press of bodies against his under a midnight sky. 

He wanted to fix this moment forever in memory, so he could look at it in the future when he needed it. The day would come when he would want to remember that he could still be happy.

The food was long gone when Avi led Saskia over to Scott. He was talking with Mario and Jake, but detached himself from the group and came over immediately.

"Time for this sleepy princess to fly away home," Avi said. "It's way past our bedtime."

"I understand, but you'll be back tomorrow, right? Like we said?"

"Of course." Avi hugged Scott, and watched him embrace Saskia gently and then kiss her hand again, making her giggle.

"See you tomorrow, my Greek goddess."

"You sure do say the nicest things. We'll be back for movie night, count us in."

And then Avi was gone, and that was the signal for the rest of the guests to wander out to the hall, replace their shoes and pile into their Ubers. Last were Kevin and Lynn, with Esther just behind.

"That was truly awesome." Kevin pulled Scott into his arms and squeezed, leaving him breathless. "We're only leaving so we can come back refreshed for round two." He put his arm round Lynn and ushered her out.

That left Scott and Esther alone, grinning at each other.

"Perfect," he said. "But I'm tired."

"Let's leave everything and go to bed," she replied.


"I'm staying here with you, stupid. Already grabbed a room, no time to book a hotel and anyway, you could use some company."

"Wow. I love you."

She inclined her head graciously. "I know. Now go and lock up, I already put out the torches and the cleaning team is coming in the morning, well in a few hours actually."

"I love you even more." He blew her a kiss.

"Go, go, go! We need sleep."

Scott watched her go upstairs, then checked and locked all the doors. He walked upstairs slowly, musing on the day and its surprises. He stripped off his clothes and left them where they lay before taking a quick shower and brushing his teeth. Lying on his back he stared at the ceiling, reliving the moments of happiness, the laughter and smiles and tears.

And how could he forget the flame that lit the dark, chased away the cold in his heart, and burned him if he got too close? He turned on his side, let his mind slide round the thing he would not name, and breathed out. All in all, it had been the best birthday he could remember for a long time.

There was plenty of room to starfish on his king-size bed, and the space beside him was too big but tonight he could bear it. Knowing Esther was just two doors away and that they would breakfast together was a huge comfort. He pushed thoughts of tomorrow out of his head, and drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.

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