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Dave's POV

I opened the wrapper of my burger, quickly taking one bite before placing it down to my lap.

Staring at the scenery as I chewed, there wasn't much to do today so eating greasy food and enjoying nature was what I decided to busy myself with.

I threw the burger wrap to a bin and decided to drive around the city, not knowing where else to go.

I passed by Zach's workplace, seeing him entering inside the car with his secretary. Where are they going? Isn't it still office hours?

I grumbled, the engine roaring with me. They started to drive off, taking the road to the cliff near the ocean.

Not knowing what else to do, I followed them, careful not to get caught as I drived slowly trailing behind them.

The car haulted to a stop and Zach got out and opened his secretary's car. I parked from a safe distance from them and watched from afar.

I can't help but wonder that this place feels oddly familiar. It's like I've been here before. I squinted my eyes, staring at the two as they sat down by the edge of the cliff.

I knew that they were conversing with each other, from the look on Zach's face I could tell that he was talking about our deal. The girl looked fraught, her brown locks covering her anxious face as she looked down.

My eye twitched when Zach held her hand, mumbling words I couldn't comprehend.

There was silence lingering between them. They had no right to converse personally and closely. Why am I doing this anyway? Why am I stalking them?

Come on Dave, you're one of the most eligible bachelors. Why do you trouble yourself for a mere secretary when you can have much more than that?

But there was something about her, not by her looks. But something much more deadly, a secret maybe? The way she looked at me at our first encounter meant that she knew something about me that I don't.

With my thoughts drowning me with questions, I didn't see Zach leaving, only to find her alone on the cliff.

She sat there all alone, thinking. I got out of the car, the faint smell of wet grass and salty water filled my lungs. I took a few steps forward, careful not to make any sound. What would I say if she found out that I was stalking her? God, that would be embarassing.

My brows furrowed when she stood up, her hands raised as she stood dangerously close to the edge.

That's when I realized, that she was about to do something I'll regret If I don't act now.

She's going to fall and kill herself.

Running as I kept a close eye on her, I wrapped an arm around her waist, haulting her fall. She was now leaning on the edge and still I kept a distance as my arm was still wrapped around her.

And with all my effort, I pulled her back and away from death.


Abby's POV

My face was now buried to someone's chest, holding me tightly.

"Do you hate me that much that you'd want to kill yourself?" His chest rumbled as he spoke, husky and deep.

I palmed my hands to his chest and tried my best to push him away, only to feel his arms tightening even more.

"Don't. We're close to the edge and you'll fall over easily."

I blinked back the tears. "Why do you care anyway?"

I could hear his heart beating rapidly. "Because I need you"

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