''To fuck your fiancé,'' The smirk glided across his face easily. I rolled my eyes. The steady grabs at my fiancé was something I've grown used to.

Harrison has always had a thing for Mariana. When we first met of course it was a problem. He had hit on her right in front me, not knowing she was my girlfriend.

But later in our friendship he did something that showed me his true colors as a person. Something that told me he's a good friend that I need to keep around. Mariana and I had got into a huge fight and basically broken up when we were in college.

She had gone to a frat party and gotten wasted. That's a problem we share; drowning our feelings in alcohol. She's kicked the habit, but apparently I'm about to fall right back into it.

Anyway she was drunk off her ass and one of the members of the frat was trying to take advantage of her in her drunken state. I thank god that Harrison was there to deck the asshole in the face. I know I owe him a lot for that.

He saved Mariana from getting raped that night. He brought her to my apartment.

Harrison has settled himself down a lot since college, and even though he's still a playboy he was much more of a Casanova then, which is why it really surprised me that he had brought her to me and not attempted to make a move on her himself.

Ever since then he has gained and kept my respect. He's a good guy.  You don't have to dig too far to see the gold in his heart.

I've made him my best man for the wedding.

A laugh leaped from my lips at his choice of response. I was here because I didn't feel like doing exactly that.

''You mind if I borrow your bar while you attempt something that will never happen?'' I asked him. He had a messy head of dark brown curls that he never did anything to on the top of his head. So every time he moved, his curls bounced along with him.

He tilted his head to the side slightly, analyzing me.

I didn't drink more than a shot or two unless something was bothering me. My friends knew this about me by now, so I know he was looking for the exact look that was in my eyes right now, which told him that something was in-fact wrong.

His normally happy brown eyes clouded suddenly with a wave of worry.

''Sure, mi casa es tu casa,'' He brought his wrist up, glancing at the very expensive silver watch that laced it. ''Look, drinking alone is no fun, invite the guys over. I'll be back in a few hours to join the party.'' He reached his arm out, giving my shoulder a light slap before heading for the door.

He was right about one thing though. Drinking alone is no fun. Even though I knew he only wanted me to invite the guys over so they could ensure that I didn't drink my kidneys away, I could use the company.

I took my phone from my pocket, and began to move my feet in the direction of the man-cave. I shot a text to everyone, including Garreth. If he was free it would be nice to see his annoying ass too.

I made it to the man-cave, grabbing myself a beer to start off with and heading over to the pool table.

I played a few rounds by myself. About three beers and thirty minutes later, Andrew was the first to arrive.

I have to admit that lately the tension with Andrew at work has been growing. He's very good at his job, if he wasn't, I wouldn't have agreed to go into this partnership with him. Yet, at the same time we have such different views on the cases.

I can make the most innocent person seem guilty to people. I can also make Satin look like a saint to a jury. The only problem is I have morals. I don't want to help the wrong person go free, and I don't want to put the innocent in prison.

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