"Okay?" I'm still very confused as to what is happening. She showed up, said that she was invited and now wants to go on a shopping spree? Where does this girl come from?!

I slipped into a cute outfit- or at least an outfit that I thought was cute- and made my way back out to the living room.




"What about this one? It looks absolutely adorable!" She put the dress up to my body and examined it.

"Go try it on." She ushered me into the bathroom. It was cute, but there were way to many layers. Besides, the color pink does not suit me.

"It's perfect on you!"

"Really? Because I feel like I was stuffed into a cotton candy maker."

Miserable. That's the word to describe my mood right now. Completely miserable...

"It's not that bad." She waved it off and I returned to the changing rooms to get back into my own clothes.

"Can we go home now?" I asked as I approached her. She looked at me with an annoyed expression. If you give me one more annoyed expression, I swear I'm gonna-

"No. You still need to find something."

"Since when did I have to find something else?" I cocked an eyebrow, bewildered by her behavior.

Gees, what the fuck happened to her?!

"Whatever, if you wish to return home so badly, here..." She handed me a slip of paper before walking off.

"What the absolute fuck..." I scoffed to myself before grabbing my things.

Wait... where are my things?!

I looked towards the exit only to see Nara long gone. Would she have them?! If so, she has my phone, wallet, and credit cards!

I looked at the paper she handed me.

'Meet you back home, bestie!;)'

I was fuming with anger. She doesn't like me at all, obviously... and I think I have an idea as to why...


"Hey... I know none of you are home right now, but when you get this, can somebody come pick me up? I have no idea where I am, I'm freezing, and using a payphone to contact you all. I'm at some sort of mall, that's all I know. If you ask your little "guest", she would know." I slammed the payphone down and walked away. What a complete and utter waste of my day!

It's nearly 6 o'clock and I'm hungry with no wallet. The boys called right before we left saying that they may get home later than expected, so I'm screwed until they get home.

I sat on a nearby bench, hugging myself to keep warm. I can't believe Nara would do something like this...

"Jaemun!" I heard a scream from a few yards away. Standing up, I noticed that it was one of the boys! I'm saved!!

As he got closer, I realized it was Jimin who had came to save me. Jaemun, are you okay? Did somebody hurt you? Please tell you're alrigh-" I cut him off with a tight hug, showing my gratitude for rescuing me.

"Thank you for coming to get me!" I nuzzled my nose into his shoulder.

"There's no need to thank me... I'm just glad you're safe." He mumbled into my ear. He seemed relieved to have found me, which made me uplift with happiness.

"You know the other boys are worried sick about you, especially Jungkook. He's absolutely flipping out about your absence." Jimin chuckled, his warm breath landing on my neck. I didn't mind the touchy situation. I'm just glad somebody found me.

"I can see that... what all did he do?"

"Well, he nearly called the police." He informed me, making my eyes grow big.

"That idiot..." I sighed. Jimin shoved his hands in his pockets before bending down to my meet my face.

"Now..." A smirk appeared on his face and his head tilted to the side a little.

"About that date..."


Uh oh, it looks like Nara is back and isn't to friendly towards Jaemun anymore!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay happy and healthy! Also, don't forget to have a wonderful day/night! BYE~!🤗

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