Chapter 1: Worlds Collide

Start from the beginning

With a nod, the cultist limped out of the chamber. Once he was out of earshot, Serana spoke up.

"So... you've met a Daedric Prince before?"

"Quite a few, actually. In fact, I-"

Torunn was interuppted by a large sphere of blue energy materializing next to her, out of which came a familiar figure.

"Ah, there ya are, lass. I was beginnin' to think you wouldn' make it."

Standing in front of the duo, dressed in a chaotic half purple half orange outfit, with grey-white hair and a light beard, was one of Torunn's least favorite Daedric Princes.

"Sheogorath." She said with obvious distaste.

"No need to take that tone with me, deary." He said in his usual cheerful tone. "I only came to help."

Torunn looked at him suspiciously.

"What are you talking about? Help me with what?"

Sheogorath smirked. "Oh, your luggage, of course." He waved his hand, causing Serana to be pinned against the wall, helpless. "You're taking a little trip."

Before she could respond, Sheogorath snapped his fingers, causing both of them to disappear, leaving Serana alone.

. . . . .

Earth, North America, The Capitol Wasteland

It's Friday, August 17th, 2281, four years after the Lone Wanderer had saved the the people of the Capitol Wasteland by bringing fresh water through Project Purity.

Life hasn't gotten any easier after Project Purity, though. The Lone Wanderer, Cat, still had to deal with raiders, slavers, super mutants, and the occasional death claw trying to kill her every chance they got. Only difference is that now, she was more prepared.

Cat, along with her faithful companion Dogmeat, were traveling back towards Megaton from Galaxy News Radio, and were taking a detour through one of the old subway tunnels.

'It sure seems quiet in here' Cat thought. 'Its not supposed to be quiet...'

She had her .44 Magnum ready, keeping an eye out for any feral ghouls still in the area. She had cleared this place out before, but somehow they end up coming back.

She heard a growl coming from Dogmeat. That's when she knew something was wrong.

"What is it, boy?" She whispered. Suddenly, she saw a bright blue light emanating from one of the old rooms, followed by what sounded like someone yelling "Have fun!". After that, the light went out, leaving the place back in the dark. Cat was about to go check it out until she heard a battle cry she was all too familiar with.

"Super mutants..." She muttered, and then crouched down behind some fallen rubble. She heard the footsteps enter the room. By her count, there were about 4 of them. Whoever's in that room with them isn't going to make it.

Suddenly, she heard another battle cry. This one sounded different, though. Human, and female. She looked over the rubble to see if she could get a glance at them, then saw a super mutant get launched out of the room. It fell back against the wall, disorientating it. Then, it was followed by a figure in armor unlike anything Cat has ever seen. It was black with red highlights, with multiple sharp points that look like they could kill someone just by bumping into them. The figure held a matching hammer, about the same size as a super sledge.

The figure then slammed the hammer into the disoriented super mutant's head executioner style, causing it to rupture in a bloody mess. Behind the figure, another mutant was about to attack.

Forgetting about safety, the Lone Wanderer jumped out of her cover.

"Look out!" She yelled as she open fired, causing the super mutant go drop dead from a headshot. The figure in black turned around and looked towards Cat, and she could see her face briefly in the light from her Pip Boy. Menacing black face paint over her eyes.

"Duck" the figure said, and immediately Cat followed her advice, ducking her head as the figure swung her hammer, hitting the super mutant behind her with enough force to crush his skull against the tunnel wall.

Cat got back up, and saw another mutant coming up behind the figure.

"Go right." She said as she aimed her .44 at the mutant, firing right after the figure moved out of the way. The mutant stopped in its tracks when the head exploded, falling under it's own weight.

Putting her gun back in the holster, Cat turned towards the stranger in black.

"Now, who the Hell are you?"

The figure looked up at her, the adrenaline now gone from the fight, them slumped down, almost falling on her face.

Cat caught her before she hit the ground, wondering why stuff like this always happened to her.

"Where did you come from?" She muttered to herself.

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