No. Effing. Way.

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Azura's pov

We entered the house as I saw my dad talking to someone on the phone.
Reuben was as stiff and strict as the other bodyguards right now.

I chuckled at his stoic expression as Papa turned towards me giving me a smile. He motioned with his fingers to wait a minute as I went and sat on the plush sofa in the living room.

Our house was pretty big. Actually it was a mansion. The whole house was filled with house maids and servants and of course, bodyguards. And there weren't many people who could be considered as family you know..

It was just me and my papa.

"So.. how was the first day? Any incidents?" 

I turned my head to see father asking Reuben.

I tried to look at Reuben to at least signal him to not say anything about matt. He would be furios.

"No Sir.  No incidents except for teen girls gawking at me and Your daughter complaining about why I looked good."  He said in a static voice. 

That jerk!

My father looked at him for a second before he looked at me and chuckled. I probably looked like an apple as Papa asked, "Does he make you feel uncomfortable?"

I shook my head, a bit too quickly for my own liking.
"No.. he's good. He's like uncle Phill.  Only a bit younger and a stuck up..."  I muttered at the last part.

"Okay then. Congratulations. You've passed my daughter's test. "  Papa said grinning,  "other times she would just complain about why the bodyguards are so broody and freaky..."

Reuben was trying to hide his smile which was failing miserably.

"Papa!"  I glared at my father who just stuck out his tongue at me.

Real mature.

"Don't go anywhere by yourself until and unless your next bodyguard comes."  He said kissing my forehead.

"As if even if I go.. other bodyguards wouldn't follow me."  I snorted.

"I'll be back before dinner honey."

I sighed as I saw my well dressed father going away. Probably to another meeting.

"Okay I should go. My shift is over."  I heard Reuben say.

My face fell. I really, really didn't want him to go.  I just had this strong feeling of a bond with him that I just couldn't understand or ignore.

"Hey.."  He said leaning down to look at me directly in the eye,  "I'll be here tomorrow morning. It's just a matter of half a day."

I nodded as he shot me a smile.

I saw his figure going down the hall as he shouted "The other bodyguard isn't that bad. So chill."

And he was out.


Did he know who my next bodyguard was?

I went into the kitchen and saw Mrs Jones cooking pancakes.

"You're cooking pancakes?"  I squealed loudly.

"You said you wanted to eat it in the morning. That's why I thought maybe I should cook them when you return so you get to eat it hot and fresh"  she said with a smile.

I grinned and made myself comfortable on the kitchen table.

"So.. How was your new bodyguard?"  She asked.

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