| chapter four |

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' everyone lives their life with a lover by
their side, doesn't matter who '

AFTER WILLIAM LENNOX EXPLAINED EVERYTHING to his boyfriend, Robert Epps, everyone got ready to watch the awakening of the Supreme Transformer

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AFTER WILLIAM LENNOX EXPLAINED EVERYTHING to his boyfriend, Robert Epps, everyone got ready to watch the awakening of the Supreme Transformer. The beautiful brunette was still chained to the circular thing, her head laying on her shoulders as she hung from the rusted chains. She looked like a goddess in a room full of ordinary people.

William Lennox took in his mate's dishevelled appearance. Leaves and dirt from, presumably the destruction of her world, adorned her unruly mess of dark chocolate hair. She looked tired and worn. Blood stained bandages plastered against the beauty's forehead from a fight with her kind. Cuts and bruises decorated her face. Mud and dried blood streaked her tattered clothes. And he thinks, she had never looked so beautiful.

Optimus Prime walked up to the girl, his loud footsteps echoing throughout the NEST building they were all currently occupying. The giant Autobot felt his mind fog up with memories as he stared at his oldest friend, a small smile tugging at his lips as he recalled all of it. The brunette was his always by his side whenever he needed her. He was there to advise him to make the right decision at all times.

Suddenly, Optimus's chest glowed a bright blue after a few moments of silence. The Autobot brought out the Matrix of Leadership from his open chest. Feeling a sudden wave of protectiveness, William Lennox and Robert Epps stepped forward and stopped Optimus from doing whatever he was going to do.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Hold up!" Shouted Epps, raising his hands as he stared at his Autobot friend in confusion. "What are you doing?"

"I am going to bring her back." Stated Optimus, bluntly. He was becoming impatient right now. The Autobot wanted to revive his friend back quickly but understood that her mates had no idea what he was doing.

"But I thought we were the ones that had to wake her up?" By now, everyone was confused even some of the Autobots were as well. Optimus had not informed them on his plan.

"You two are the ones that wake her up. I am going to power up her spark. She needs to be reenergized immediately, and the only way to do that is to start her spark." Optimus explained, his voice deep yet clear. The two mates nodded and waited eagerly to see their other mate wake up, happiness blooming at their chest at having another person to love.

Optimus placed the Matrix of Leadership over the middle of the beautiful brunette's chest, and just as it was a centimetre apart, a bright blinding blue light filled the room.

After a couple of minutes, the blinding light died down and what was shown, shocked everyone. Because standing there was someone so beautiful yet strong made even the Goddess's envy her.

"It has been a long time, old friends."

A beautiful girl stood before everyone, an aura of power emitting off of her. As she spoke, Lennox and Epps felt their whole world slow down. Perfect chocolate hair that rested right above her shoulders and chocolate golden eyes that could swallow galaxies. Her ideal skin looked so fragile yet so soft and the unerring amount of faint freckles around her nose. Cheeks the colour of pink roses and eyelashes longer than anyone's they've ever seen. And her out-of-this-world body caught their attention, a small waist hidden under a red ribbed top and curvy hips that fit so perfectly in her dark washed blue jeans. This was the girl, the girl that they knew would change the way they looked at life.

"Violet," Ironhide grinned at his best friend, raising his metallic hand for the brunette to climb on. The brunette stepped onto his head and hugged his face as best as she could once he raised his hand to his face. "I've missed you so much!" Violet laughed, pressing a delicate kiss to his cheek and ignored the faint taste of metal.

"I too have missed you." The way Violet spoke was something that caught everyone's attention. No one talked like that, nobody. It was formal, too formal but graceful nonetheless. Ironhide soon placed his best friend onto the ground.

"Violet," The said girl looked up at her old friend and nodded, motioning on. "I would like you to meet two significant people." She gazed at the two men who Optimus motioned at. She locked eyes with a dark-skinned one before gasping, her heart racing along with her spark and went even faster as she gazed at the lighter skinned man next to him.

"Mates," She took a step forward only to wobble slightly. She was immediately caught by Lennox, his reflexes reacting fast. Violet looked up and smiled, thanking him. "Thank you." Her voice was low and echoed around the room. Her cheekbones sat high on her face and a smile that sent people grinning curved her lips.

"Anytime." Lennox helped her up and everyone watched the cute moment in silence.

"Old friend, you must rest," Optimus told her, gazing at her with concern.

"Rest?!" Violet was gobsmacked. "I have been resting for nearly a thousand years. I believe I am perfectly fine."

"Your body has but not your spark. You need to rest." Violet huffed and glared at Ratchet.

"You are supposed to agree with me!" Ratchet laughed shaking his head.

"I agree that you need to rest. Now please go." Violet shook her head and turned to her best friend, who shook his head.

"You heard the old man, V. You need to rest." Her jaw dropped as she gazed at her best friend.

"Ironhide!" She whined before glaring at all of them only to grin when BumbleBee sided with her.

"I agree with Violet. She has rested enough, let her have some fun. Resting is boring!" Of course, Bee had to switch from Radios to voice his words.

"Yes. I agree with Bee. Resting is, as you say, boring. There is nothing to do. I have had my own share of resting to last me hundreds of years."

"You have to rest, Violet. That is an order." Violet let out a huff before nodding and grabbing her mates hands.

"Very well." Optimus gave a smile of victory as their old friend went with her mates to their bedroom. "Now, mates. Where is your room of sleep?" She asked, and they looked at her weirdly. "What?"

"It's called a bedroom."


the supreme transformer • transformersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora