| chapter one |

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' it must have been love '

' it must have been love '

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"LOOK HERE. I THINK I'VE FOUND IT." Came the voice of a soldier, a gas mask covering his face and a protection suit over his body. Others wore the same; all soldiers ready to give up their life for their country and their mission.

"Optimus, we've got a visual."  Lt. Colonel William Lennox said into his mic, reporting to his friend and partners.

"The object looks to be trapped in some kind of metal harness." He continued, explaining what he saw. "What's this?" He gazed down at a box wrapped in a blanket of dust. "Guys, why does this thing have the Soviet space program marking on it?"


"Wait! I see something over there!" The group glanced towards the other side of the tunnel, lit by only a dim light. Major Lennox motioned his team to follow him with a finger, and they all cautiously walked down the tube. The dim lights flickered, casting a crepuscular glow within the room.

"What is that?" A soldier gasped, mortified as their eyes fell upon a figure. A pair of silhouetted feet graced the ground like new petals on grass, soft and delicate. Yet without the light of the sun, the person was only a promise of their daytime beauty, flowing like a well-loved monochrome photograph spun to life. "Is that...a girl?" A brave soldier, covered in gear, stepped forward and made his way over to the beautiful girl that hung from rusted chains.

"It's a girl." He confirmed. The girl had brown wavy locks with beautiful tanned skin...she was the kind of girl that women loved to hate. She was an adult, they supposed, but so young that she still had the exuberance of youth. She had that movie star look, not overly tall and willowy, but more like an action star. Her muscle definition was perfect, and she hung with her arms chained to a corner of a circular metal piece, shackles holding her arms up. The brunette wasn't just flawless in her bone structure, her skin was like silk over a glass, and she radiated an intelligent beauty while her eyes were still shut.

Inhaling a deep breath, William Lennox walked up to her and shook her shoulder slightly, waiting for her to wake up or move. When she didn't move the blonde shook her again, the coldness of her skin surprising him. Her eyes snapped open; her emotions were not easily hidden on her innocent face. Her pain was evident in the crease of her lovely brow and the down-curve of her full lips. But her eyes, her eyes showed her soul.

They were a deep pool of restless gold, an ocean of hopeless grief. As Lennox looked into her eyes he knew, all the beauty of the universe could not even hope to compete with this simple thing: passion. Passion turned her eyes into orbs of the brightest fire, and in them, he read clearly that she would fight to the very last year for her life. She would not let the world break her. Sure she could cry, but she would never let them take her true self from her. She clung to it with passion. Passion that made her beautiful.

"Who are you?" She growled. Everyone froze. Her voice was almost bell like, calming, if it wasn't for the anger that laced her words. "WHO ARE YOU?!" The brunette yelled, her eyes flashing a volcanic red. They gulped, fear striking them but only one held no fear. William Lennox had a feeling that the brown haired beauty chained to the circle wouldn't hurt him, no matter how scary or angry she was.

"We're from NEST. We're here to help," A soldier, James, told her and took a brave step forward, frightening the girl. She began to yell and thrash around. She glared at James, and her eyes began to swirl with red as her body started to emit waves of power.

Quickly thinking of something, Ben, another soldier, injected the beautiful girl with Anaesthesia, a liquid that knocked her out immediately. The brown-haired maiden fell limp, and the guys decided to leave her tied up but pulled out the circular thingy, dragging it out of the tunnel. Four soldiers went ahead, taking the circular thing and getting it out of the building before loading it onto a truck so they could take it back to the base.

While they were doing that, a Decepticon began to attack the others and coming to the rescue, Optimus Prime, one of the greatest Autobots out there, transformed and started fighting with the hideous Decepticon to the point where it had to retreat.

"What the hell was that thing?" Asked Lennox as he gazed at the dead thing creature that the Decepticon left behind.

"That was Shockwave." Answered Optimus as he threw his weapon to the side. Lennox crouched down and gazed at the ball before staring at the truck that held the female.

"Why was he after this? And her?" He pointed at the energy thing before looking at the girl, who Shockwave wanted to capture, only for him to be thrown back by Optimus. The blue and red transformer glanced at the object shock covering his feature.

"It is impossible." Optimus gasped as he stared at the familiar ball. "This is an engine from a long lost Autobot ship." The red and blue transformer growled in anger before transforming back into his truck, forgetting about the girl. Lennox got into a car, and they set off back to their base all wondering what that ball thing and who the hell was that girl.

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