Verse Of The Day

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James 2:1

"My dear brothers and sisters, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ don't show favoritism. "

It's important that we as believers that we do not show favoritism.

If you continue in the passage it gives a brief example of favoritism showing a man who is rich and a man who is poor.

If these two people showed up in a place where you were hosting something, either a party or a meeting of some sort, what example would you set to the non-believers if you showed more attention to the rich man and left the poor man standing there not even offering a chair for him to sit and join you?

Think about it.

Think about what you should ask yourself before acting.
God didn't die on the cross just for the people he knew believed in him, he died for every single human being on earth.
He has ressurected and Loves all, unconditionally.

So if God died for everyone, why should we treat better the people who are in better conditions?

What would Jesus do in your place?
Put yourself in the poor man's shoes.
How would you feel if someone treated you like a reject, just because you're wearing shabby clothes and don't smell so well?

Reflect on this and don't forget to spread the light! 

God Bless You All ♡
Don't Forget: Jesus Christ Loves You ALL! 

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