December 31, 1964

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Nida, who wanted to celebrate anything, and everything for the sake of celebration. Surely, he had the money. They had the money... but to entertain guests in this home was a terrible shame on their names. The worn carpets, the dull and shabby wood floors; it was a reminder to them - to Amir, at least - that no matter the income her drew, the absurd sum of money compiling in a bank, their bank, he had to live in that safe house, that worn, and unworthy home for his family.

Nida opined, perhaps too often, they should be grateful for their lives in the new world. Their new world. That Mecca was still north, and she promised (or was it mockery?) That The Order had not stolen the mountain from them yet.

He still prayed five times a day. Nida used to. Then she prayed when she could. Then she prayed when it was convenient.

Yes, he was angry. Yes, he was disgusted... and yes, he could see how his brothers and sisters in Islam back home could so strongly despise the west. His brothers, and sisters in Islam for whom he would never see again.

Amir was after all an American, too... and worse for it, under the protection of the very church who brought upon his people the crusades.

"I am leaving now, for work." Amir kept his voice even, and steady. He was glad to hear his own language in his ears, even if it was his voice. He swallowed his anger down, and buried his unhappiness, standing from the kitchen table. He wore his best expression of misery as he approached Nida, and Nadjia.

"I will make you lamb tonight." The sound of Nida's smile in her voice made him want to smile, himself.

Amir felt sick in his stomach, and cleared his throat from the foul taste rising up in it. "...would you invite Clayton, and his family?"

"Are you certain? It is Thursday, and on the eve of the new year,."

Amir exaggerated his scowl, and motioned a flat line through the air with his hand. "Then we will show them our hospitality. Where do they celebrate their new year?"

"I think the mountain park? The twin mountains park?"

Amir spoke in English. "The Twin Knolls park."

Nida nodded.

Amir sighed, maintaining his expression of displeasure. Such an accommodating man, he was. Selfless. A man who made the effort to show his thanks to the pigs who brought him I to his misery. "Prepare a feast for us all. We will arrive at the Twin Knolls park this evening, and feed Clayton and Emily Walker. A proper thanks for their service to us, and my apology for being such a stubborn man."

Nida flashed a bright smile, and immediately Amir felt a seldom experienced emotion; he felt guilt. Nida leaned her head back, and with her free arm, reached for her husband. "Come."

Amir obeyed, feigning some small degree of begrudging. He leaned in, and kissed Nida on her forehead. Nadjia stared at him through wide almond shaped eyes, the intense and unusual ice blue of her eyes startling, every time. He gave his infant daughter a quick kiss on her small round face. "I have to get to work."

He hurried for the door.

"Do well today, Amir. Make us proud."

✟ ☧ ✟

Nida and Amir arrived early to Twin Knolls park. Amir found someone to watch Nadjia for them, someone Amir insisted they could trust.

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