lost in the dark

112 40 17

Jessabelle walked through the dark streets crying into the silent night " How could he" she thought .. "How could she ".. She's been best friends with Bella for 7 years .. and dating mark for over a year now ... The image of what she saw didn't get out of her head ..

Suddenly she noticed the streets looked very unfamiliar , trying to get back to her senses she looked at the old wrecked houses she was passing ..
This looked nothing like her neighborhood , the walls of The houses had rude words spray painted all over them .. some of the windows were boarded up with wood or broken and the gates in front of each house were old and rusty ..

It quickly came to her senses that she was lost though she was thankful that she hadn't got drunk at the party so she could think clear , she got out her phone to find out her location ,upon doing so she saw that she was miles and miles away from home , the party was already quite far and jessabelle got there in her boyfriend's car who was quite a bit older than her so he had a license.

She apparently walked away even further from that horrible party so it was a 40 minute walk away from home .

It was quite late at night so she tried to look where the main Street was on her phone's map ,she figured she could find a taxi seeing as she had some left over cash in her pockets from the last time she went to the movies .. she remembered how she went there with Mark , how they sat right at the back and he put her arm around her kissing her forehead .. tears rolled down her cheek as she thought of that but she tried to keep herself together to get out this neighborhood and get back home ..

She heard dogs barking in the distance and a cricket's Creek breaking the silence of the night .

A night she wishes never happened Where stories live. Discover now