Ending 2: Karamatsu

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The room grew silent as everyone turned to face the blue Matsu.

"Hm? Could you please repeat that for me? I didn't quite catch that," Karamatsu requested as he slowly removed his shades that were hiding his eyes.

"I...I choose you, Karamatsu."

The man's eyes widened as he placed a hand over his beating heart.

"Don't lie to me (Y/N), this heart is kind yet fragile. Please, tell me I'm not dreaming! Please, tell me the truth!" He said in an overly dramatic manner.

I softly chuckled at him, "This is all real, my Karamatsu boy."

The blue cladded brother's eyes lit up like fireworks as he jumped up and sobbed onto my shoulder. "Oh (Y/N), you have no idea how happy I am right now. I never thought in a million years would this guilt man ever have a beautiful Karamatsu girl like you."

"And I never thought I would have a handsome, caring, yet painful man like you," I giggled.

Karamatsu smiled before he unexpectedly dipped me, wrapping one arm around waist and the other supporting my back. I gasped at the surprise and gripped my hands on his shoulders.

"Oh my dearest (Y/N), you have made me the happiest man in the world," his brown eyes twinkling in contentment. "Now kiss me, my lips are craving for your lust."

I smiled, cupping my hands on his flushed cheeks before pulling him into a kiss. Karamatsu went still for a brief second before soonly melting into the kiss, pulling my body closer to his.

Right behind us, were his brothers staring at the scene dumbfounded at the fact that someone so painful could win a girls heart.

"Aww man! Karamatsu got lucky, (Y/N) was really hot. If she chose me then I would have graduated from being a virgin!" Osomatsu sighed out.

"I can't believe Karamatsu nii-san actually got a girlfriend from being super painful!" Totty said in disbelief.

"Tch. Fuckin' Shittymatsu," Ichimatsu scoffed and rolled his eyes only to be jabbed in the side by Choromatsu, who glared at the purple Matsuno and shook his head at him.

"Hey, at least show some support for him."

"Karamatsu nii-san's got a Karamatsu girl!" Jyushimatsu jumped up and down in delight with a bright smile.

After we broke the kiss, the second eldest pulled out a red rose out of nowhere and handed it to me.

"For you, my Karamatsu girl."

"Oh Kara, it's beautiful," I smiled. Softly inhaling the light fragrance.

"Not as beautiful as you my love," he winked.

My face turned almost the same shade of red as the rose at his remark. "Oh stop it, you're making me blush!"

"Heh. Let me show you how much I really love you," the blue Matsuno smirked as he pulled me in close before his soft lips met with mine once more.

I sighed into the kiss, running my hands through his dark, ebony hair, ruffling it with my fingers. When we pulled away, Karamatsu held the side of my face with a strong yet gentle hand.

"Your lips taste sweet like a cherry pie, I could kiss them all day if I can."

I felt my heart flutter at his flowery compliment as I lightly brushed my fingertips across my tingling lips. But before I could say anything, Dekapan walked up towards us.

"Alright love birds, I think you two have had enough time with each other," he chuckled. "Are you ready to go, (Y/N)?"

I looked at Karamatsu with sad eyes before nodding. "Yes, I am."

Dekapan walked over to the machine and pressed some buttons that activated the portal. I stared deep into the spiraling vortex that appeared before my very eyes before being pulled out of my trance by Karamatsu.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked with a worried look on his face.

"Yeah. let's go," I said in a low voice.

Karamatsu took my hand and lead me towards the activated portal. "Have a safe trip my Karamatsu girl," he said with a sad smile and kissed the back of my hand.

I blushed and blew a kiss at the man before stepping foot inside the machine. I could hear the cries of the others saying goodbye and that they'll miss me which shattered my heart into many pieces.

"Goodbye everyone! I'll miss you all!" I waved at the brothers.

"Goodbye, my Karamatsu angel! I love you with all my heart and I will never forget you!" He cried out as he tried to hold back his tears.

Hearing his voice brought tears to my eyes as they began spilling out. "I love you too, Karamatsu! Farewell!"

The last things I saw were the Matsuno sextuplets waving at me and Dekapan pulling the lever before being warped and then everything went white.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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