Saying Farewell...

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I stood in pure desolation, Matsuyo's voice ringing in my head repeatedly. Those words had struck me like a slap across the face.

No...why now?

My vision began to blur as tears began welling up in my eyes. I quickly turned my back away from the brothers as I wiped the tears that rolled down my cheek with my sleeves.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Choromatsu asked with a concerned look on his face.

I slowly shook my head in response before opening the door.

"Let's just go," I said in a low voice. "I don't want to keep Dekapan waiting."

"Wait (Y/N)!" Mrs. Matsuno stopped me in my tracks. "Before you leave, I want to say that my husband and I enjoyed having you here."

Matsuzo nodded and smiled at me. "We did, and this might sound crazy but it felt like you were our daughter to us."

I turn around and give them hug, fresh tears already forming. Matsuyo rubbed soft circles on my back in comfort while Matsuzo was drying my eyes with a handkerchief.

"You should probably get going now," the elderly man informed me.

"Oh (Y/N), we're going to miss you so much!" The woman cried out and pulled me in a tight hug.

Her husband placed a hand on her shoulder. "Dear, I know it's hard but she needs to return back to her home."

"I know," she sniffled.

I give Matsuyo and Matsuzo one last hug. "Thank you for letting me stay here, Mr. and Mrs. Matsuno. Goodbye," I waved.

"Goodbye (Y/N)! We'll miss you! Be safe!" The parents beckoned back.

The six NEETS watched as they saw me walk out of the house before hastening to catch up with me.


When we arrived at Dekapan's place, the man noticed our presence and greeted us.

"Ah, (Y/N)! It's nice to finally see you again. And I see you brought your friends along with you as well," He pointed out to the sextuplets.

"They just followed me here," I said.

Dekapan nodded, noting that I am not in the mood for any conversation at the moment.

"Well since you're here, are you ready?"

I sighed in despair and gave a small nod. I turned towards the Matsuno brothers and gave a sad smile before going with Dekapan.

He walked towards the fixed transportation machine and pulled the lever, in which a large vortex-like portal emerged.

My body froze in place as many things were going through my mind.

Why? Why do I have to leave now?

I never had time to prepare myself!

I lowered my head down, staring at the ground beneath me while in taking deep breaths.

I can't believe this is happening all so soon. I guess I won't be able to confess my love either way...

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I turned myself around and faced everyone with glistening eyes.

"Before I go, I want to thank you all for taking care of me and making me feel loved by each and every single person in this room," I smiled. Wiping the teardrops that began to roll down my cheeks once more.

The brothers took notice and gathered around and pulled me into a warm and loving group hug.

"We're going to miss you very much!" Osomatsu said, pulling his brothers closer in the tight space. "Especially your smile and your laugh and your boobs-"

"Shut up Osomatsu! Don't ruin this moment you poor excuse of an older brother!" Choromatsu scolded, whacking him on the head. "My apologies (Y/N), we had a great time occupying you during your stay."

Ichimatsu silently hummed in agreement, "I wish we could feed the cats together again."

"We wish you wouldn't have to leave us now," Todomatsu whined, clinging onto me like a koala bear.

"Don't cry (Y/N)! We hate to see you cry," Jyushimatsu frowned, wiping the wet trail my tears left with his soft, yellow sleeve.

Karamatsu nodded. "He's right, I wouldn't want my Karamatsu girl to be upset before she heads back home to her family."

After some time being consoled by the comforting embrace, the eldest pulls away.

"Before you go, we have something we need to tell you." The red clad brother announced.

The others nodded. "We've been meaning to ask you this before that unexpected call from Dekapan," the third eldest spoke up.

"Ever since the day we saw you, we knew that you were different from the rest of the women we met. You never turned away from us, you never gave us any look of disgust like we were a vermin, and lastly, you accept us for who we are. Even though we are sinful NEETs at times. You are a pure gift from heaven," Karamatsu elucidated.

"For once I actually agree with him," Ichimatsu commented.

"So today is the day (F/N) (L/N)," Totty began, the brothers kneeling down on one knee and extended their arm towards me.

My heart pounded rapidly in my chest as I watched the sextuplets in front of me with wide eyes.

"Please, choose your favorite Matsu," they all requested in unison.

I stood in place with my mouth agape. My whole body felt like it was burning hot but also ice cold at the same time. A sweat drop slid down my forehead from trepidation. I swallowed the large lump that almost felt like it was caught in my throat before letting the words come out of my mouth with a shaky and quiet voice.

"I...I choose..."

Sorry for not updating for a long time. This month has been very busy for me so I have not had a lot of time to update. But here is the new chapter you've all been waiting for.

The next chapters will not have 6, but 7 endings to! But it will take a while to write each individual one so be patient please.

Again, I want to thank everyone for supporting this fanfic. I have put my heart and soul into it and I want to make it the best it can be.

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