Denmark-Norway: Stay

523 32 11

(A/N not much, I'm back, not dead, enjoy the story)

Mathias - 12

Lukas - 12

Berwald - 13

Tino - 11

Emil - 7

The question was:

What now?

The Kalmar Union had been broken. Berwald and Tino were off on their own, having formed a new country with their own leader, their own language, their own life. And Mathias?

Mathias had no idea what to do now.

His first thought was to try to win Berwald's trust back, but he figured, with all that happened, that that would probably fail. Then he thought about consulting his bosses, but that's what got him in this kind of situation. What was he supposed to do then?

While he was deeply in his thoughts, he didn't hear the footsteps and door opening, revealing his beloved. Lukas noticed that Mathias was deeply in his thoughts, but being the little shit he is, he snuck from behind Mathias and jumped on him.

It sent Mathias completely out of his thoughts and flying ten feet in the air. He turned around and saw Lukas pokerfaced.

"Lukas! Why did you do that?!" Mathias screamed like a little girl, waving his arms in the air Italian style.

"Did what? I didn't do anything." Lukas answered, his face remaining the same.

"You jumped on me!"

"I didn't. Are you sure it wasn't just your imagination?"

"Why would I jump from my imagination? If anything, since you're my wildest imagination, I'd jump right into it."

Lukas blushed and tried to hide a smirk that began appearing on his face. Mathias was so innocent.

"Oh, really? And how exactly am I your 'wildest imagination'?" Lukas asked.

Mathias tried to cover his face, which was tomato red by the way, and spoke:

"Well, I always imagine the two of us, alone on a viking ship, sailing off on the sea and then all of a sudden, the ship lifts up in the sky and takes us to the unknown world beyond clouds and Suns and Moons. Then other times I would imagine you and me running through the field and you are wearing a beautiful white dress and we run into the priest and he says 'mind if I wed you two' and then we get married. Those are my wildest imaginations. You are my wildest imagination."

Lukas was stunned. He never thought he would hear something like that from Mathias.

"It's not me that's your wildest imagination, Mathias. It's us. It sounds a bit cheesy and all, but honestly, I kinda feel the same way. I want to spend time with you. Even if we aren't doing anything special, I just want to be with you." Lukas said, complete with blushing from both sides. Ah, young love.

"Lukas..." Mathias whispered and leaned in closer, Lukas doing the same.

They were about two inches away from the other's lips when something stopped them.

"Why don't you just get married?"

It sent them both flying in the air. And once they calmed down from the shock they looked down to see a little ball of fluffy white hair and lilac eyes looking at them very innocently.

"Dear God Emil, this is like the fourth time this week. And just this week. For how long do you plan on doing this?" Lukas yelled calmly... or not.

"Doing what? I was just sitting here trying to read when I heard love words being exchanged. Anyone would investigate that." Emil answered.

"Oh nevermind, you'll never stop. Mathias, let's go somewhere else." Lukas said, but Mathias didn't even flinch at his name.

"Mathias?" Lukas called again.

"Woah, sorry! I was just thinking. What did you say?" This time he answered.

"That's not a good sign if you were thinking. You'll hurt that small brain of yours." Emil said. And got hit by Lukas.

"Nevermind, Mathias. What were you thinking about?" Lukas asked.

"How about we form a union? Me and you, Lu." Mathias said.

"Didn't one just break recently?" Emil asked.

"This one won't break. The Kalmar union was formed based on our friendship, but this one will be formed with our love. It's unbreakable." Mathias said.

Lukas was silent. Emil was silent, but mostly because he was thinking about what kind of cookies will he eat tonight. Lukas, however, was thinking about forming the union with Mathias.

Looking at it, forming a union with Mathias could help strenghten both of their countries and possibly even get Berwald and Tino to come back. However Lukas was afraid. Afraid it would be like Kalmar all over again, with Mathias at the top and everyone else as his servants. But even if he said no to it, how would he survive all alone. Mathias could just come and force him into it. Then again, that wouldn't be Mathias he knows and loves. Loves. That resulted in Lukas finally giving his answer to the union that would bound their lives for as long as it exists. Love would form their union and Lukas was ready to answer it.


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