w h a t ' s t h e t i m e

17 5 0

//slight trigger warning//

what's the time?
half past one
the story has only
just begun

what's the time?
half past two
do they really
like you?

what's the time?
half past three
I realise now
that I hate me

what's the time?
half past four
crying on
the bedroom floor

what's the time?
half past five
doubting if I want
to be alive

what's the time?
half past six
thoughts abuse me
like stones and sticks

what's the time?
half past seven
will god still allow me
into heaven?

what's the time?
half past eight
shut the door
lock the gate

what's the time?
half past nine
hang myself
from a line
if they care
they'll be there
quick enough
to restore my air

what's the time?
half past ten
never do
that again
they came back
total shock
and the air
restarted your clock

what's the time?
half past eleven
I need help
with my depression
it's crystal clear
and I can see
I want it
to stop haunting me.

what's the time?
half past twelve
into peaceful sleep
I delve
I apologise
for what I did
goodbyes aren't ready
to be bid.

I'm going to try
my very best
to recover
and confess.

a poem about suicidal awareness.
this one is not from my pov, but just generalizing that depression is not uncommon and is serious, and needs to be attended to. hopefully this also gives you some comfort, you're never alone. please share your feelings and look for help, I swear someone is willing to reach out to you. stay alive ♡ because someone does care, and someone does love you. and if it doesn't feel like it, know that I care about you and appreciate you, okay? I promise. x

thanks for all the support lovelies ♡ this book is climbing so quickly, and I'm so happy thank you!!

how's your day beeeennn?
xoxo, megs

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