b l u e

42 7 5

today feels blue
blue, blue, blue.

my heart dipped in a blue sadness,
the sky a bright azure
over the sea -
soaked in the same shade.

so beautiful
and ever so scenic
even in all its gloom
just like the people that roamed the streets
of this particular

everything seems fitting;
creating a breathtaking aesthetic
and the entirety of it all
is soothing.

the variety of blues I didn't know existed
found miles above the clouds
and in the deepest depths of the ocean
it is comforting

a lingering feeling of complete peace
still lives within my heart
and my eyes infected with the hues
to be kept

today feels blue.
blue, blue, blue.
I'm sorry idek what this is but here it is anyway oops

and thanks for over 1k lovelies♡ virtual hugs for aaaaalllllll x

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