Your Idiot | Kurusu Syo

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Published: 12 jul 2017

I just thought of this plot randomly while thinking about Syo's personality. Hopefully it's fluffy and fun to read.
I would like to thank all my readers for reading my stories, it really helps keep myself motivated to write more and more.
If you guys have a request such as a specific character with a specific plot, feel free to comment below or message me!


"Syo~!" You called out to the familiar blonde. "Help me !" You thrust the music sheet in Syo's face as you pleaded. "Please???"

You were a current student that went to Satome Gakuen. Attending the school was already a dream so finding out that you made it into A class was even more amazing. But you know what's even better than those two? Having an awesome childhood friend who was in S class!

"Gah! [First Name], again?" He asked with a sigh shaking his head. His disappointed face worried you.

"Is that a no then...?" You asked quietly, eyes filled with worry. Homework always seemed more fun when you were doing it with someone else. Especially if that someone else was Syo. After all, you couldn't ignore your crush for him.

He looked at you with a complex expression before finally breaking into a smile. Flicking your forehead with a finger he grinned and said, "hehe what are you talking about [First Name]? I told you to come for me for help right?"

"Hm!" You nodded your head happily.

Syo picked the music sheet from your hand and  started to walk, "come on, we'll work on it in the library."

You followed behind quickly.


"Hey , hey, how is Natsuki doing?" You ask, your fingers drumming onto the table at a random beat.

"Aren't you two in the same class?" Syo asked in confusion.

You nodded, "well, yeah but I haven't been talking to him recently. I always try to leave the classroom quickly." You look at the music sheet trying to distinguish the note. "Syo~" you sang his name as you leaned closer to his side, "what's this note again?"

Syo didn't answer automatically, "f sharp." While you were scribbling you continued to hear him speak, "then don't leave the classroom so early."

You look away from the paper."Hmm?" What was Syo talking about?

Syo readjusted his eyes, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "O-oh, about Natsuki just now..."

You grinned cheekily, "well I wanted to get food first or be the first one to see you." The words slipped easily from your tongue and you didn't give the words a second thought. "That's a good reason isn't it? And I'm sure Natsuki would be alright."

You think about the happy Natsuki with his other friends in A class. He was doing just fine. His cheerful personality got him lots of friends after all.

You pushed another sheet of paper in front of Syo "Teach me some more Syo-sensei!" You joked with a grin.

Syo smiled, "alright alright. Where do you need help?" He asks, turning his full attention to the paper. You watched how his body started to lean closer to yours and blushed. Fortunately, Syo was too intent on the paper to even see you turning red like a tomato.

"[First Name]?" He questions you while raising his head slowly.

No way, no way! You weren't going to let him see you so flustered. "R-right there!" You said, pointing at a random area of the paper.

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