Far Away - STARISH

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Published: 16 august 2016

Music blows into your ears as you jam to a new song.

You stare at your laptop screen, following the silhouettes of your idols. They wear bright colored clothing, all resembling their biased color. It was a new idol group that had been the rage for a year now. You were a little late on following the group, but you still believed in yourself as a fan girl.

Grabbing the mouse, you clicked another video titled 'Starish's Debut Performance'. The song 'Maji Love 1000%' flashed in bold letters on the top of the video- then it started.

Not even two minutes into the video, your bedroom door swung open.

"Hey [First Name] it's time to go to school!"

"Aniki! Get out!" You scowled at your brother disrupting your fangirl moment, and threw a pillow at the door.

"Alright, alright." The door closed gently, but you didn't hear the footsteps.


"Come on already! You don't want to be late."

You looked at your screen one last time before turning your laptop off. Begrudgingly, you picked up your bag and ran to the front door.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" You hollered down to the kitchen, slipping your feet into your sneakers.

Your brother was already waiting in the car with a frown.

"Be glad I didn't ditch you."

"Are you threatening me?" You asked raising a brow, "I'm going to tell mom!"

Throughout the whole ride to school, you both argued about the littlest things. That was sibling rivalry.

"Hmph!" You got of the car, slamming the door close behind you.

You made it to first period without any trouble, not letting the argument bother you. The arguments always happened; the two of you will make up after school anyway.

Class was normal; nothing extraordinary happened ( like that ever happened in your life). Another day :doing classwork, talking with friends and classmates, getting your homework, eating lunch, going to club meetings.

Right after school, you went home and started to attack the dreadful homework monster. Well, not before taking break by lazing on the coach. Then it was off to your room, sitting on your desk for a few hours with hands scribbling on sheets of papers.

When you were finally finished, you would either review or relax, like it was your day off, depending on your mood and motivation. By then, your parents would call you to the kitchen for dinner.

Your days are packed; like a regular teen.


You picked up your phone; Akane just sent a message to the group chat.

'Have you guys seen the news?'

You looked at the words, news? What news? From what you know, your friends don't watch the news.

'What news?' You replied.

Akane typed another message, 'About Starish of course! Check this link ----'

You tapped the link curiously; soon the homepage loaded. Seven brightly colored letters "STARISH" twirled on your screen, and then it stopped. There was a box that read information.


x/xx/xx - (your location)

You pulled up the group chat again and typed a quick message. 'They're coming here?!'

'Yes! Can you believe it?' Akane typed.

Soon your other friends joined in the conversation.

'Maybe we should buy tickets!'

'They're pricey!'

'Aww... I can't afford them!'

'We have to go, I'll buy them all!'

'No way!'

You laughed at the friendly conversation; however, you heaved a heavy sigh. There was just no way you were going to a concert. You never went to one, and it didn't look like you were ever going to one anyway. Your parents wouldn't allow it.

You turned your phone to silent and took out your laptop to listen to Starish's songs.

This was the least you could manage as a fan girl besides buying some idol merchandises.

You stared once again at the figures of the Starish members.

Shinomiya Natsuki, Ittoki Otoya, Ichinose Tokiya, Kurusu Syo, Ajima Cecil, Hijirikawa Masato, and Jinguji Ren. Their colors respectively: yellow, red, violet,pink, green, blue, and orange.

They're humans too, and loved by so many fans throughout the world. You could never find true live with them no matter how much you loved their music, or their personality. They were going global; that meant millions one of a kind people.

These idols, they could choose anyone.

You were only ONE of those thousands of fan girls. You aren't even part of their fan club.

Choosing you would be like choosing a fish in the ocean. So many. You can't compete with them.

But it's fine.

There's nothing to be depressed about.

All you can and will do is be a supportive fan, and move on with your life.

It would be a dream to have any sort of relationship with them.

They're simply to far away.

Hey everyone! This is a quick one shot I wrote today because I have not written anything in a while.
I tried to make this one shot more realistic.
It's fiction and reality mixed together. Anime characters will never be with us in real life, but if they were then Starish will be very famous celebrities.
As a normal person, I feel like I can only be in the shadows and will never reach them.
It's not really a sad one shot nor a happy one. It's pretty neutral.
I'll be happy to read your comments on your thoughts about the one shot!
Thank you, have a great day.

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