Linked | Otoya Ittoki

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Published: 10 aug 2016

The red string of fate.

A romantic tale of two fated lovers.

Seriously, it was something unimaginable to you. No way can a red string be tied around your finger, and be linked with someone else.

It was something that would come out of a fantasy book.

But you looked forward to this childish idea. It was a way to find your soulmate; the person whom you would give your whole heart to.

However no matter how long you look at your finger, that string will never appear- not even in your dreams.


That color shined so brightly.

What else did that remind you of? More specifically who?

"Hey [First Name]-chan!"

You smiled widely upon hearing the voice of your best friend.

"Otoya-kun!" You shouted happily, stretching your arms to offer him a hug. He accepted the hug, wrapping his arms tightly around your body.

"Did you wait long?" He asks, "sorry about that."

You waved your hands, "no it's fine! You told me about your practice, I understand." You say.

Otoya beams at you; sparkles emitting off him like twinkling stars.

"Come on, let's go!"

He grabbed ahold on your wrist and pulled you along with him.

"H-hey! Don't go so fast!"

The two of you halted in front of an old fashioned cafe. There were large picture frames inside with pictures of the founders of the cafe. They were all in black and white which showed just how old, and long lasting the cafe really was.

A waitress brought the two of you to an empty table; Luckily with no window. It would cause a ruckus if people outside noticed he was an idol.

"Ready to order?"

Otoya helped you order, "yeah we'll have..."

"You're practicing hard." You say, twirling the straw in your milkshake.

He blushed upon hearing your words. They really visible so you teased him a little.

"Are you trying to get someone to notice you?" You vaguely hinted about his secret crush.

Otoya never told you who it was, but you had a guess. You're not going to confront him about it though; it would be rude.

Again his blush darkened to another shade of red. He stuttered out an answer, clearly he was flustered. "I-it's a secret!"

"Hehe alright. But I'll cheer you on!"

Otoya murmured a thank you before going back to his drink.

The cakes soon arrived; your mouth had been drooling unknown to you. The cake was so pretty, glistening in the light.

"Hm~!" You say stuffing your mouth with a spoonful of Otoya's cake, "you have good taste Otoya-kun."

"You sure do enjoy sweets." He say with palms resting on his cheek.

The following week, you were going to attend Starish's concert. You managed to buy a ticket after staying up until midnight to click the 'buy' button. Only sleep was deprived from you, but that was the only way to get the tickets that sold like hot cakes.

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