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"You can stop now." Annabeth poked her boyfriend on the shoulder from where he was curled up on the seat clutching a water bottle.

Percy lifted his head and peered out of the window. "I can still see sky."

"That's because you're looking up," Annabeth said with a sigh. Percy looked out the window, downwards, and sighed in relief when he saw the cement runway below them.

"Why didn't you just say so?" He asked, clambering down from his seat.

Natasha watched the pair through amused eyes as they stepped down. Percy went down first and offered his hand to Annabeth, who just raised an eyebrow and hopped off.

"I'm not a fairy tale princess, you know," she said.

"I know," Percy said with a cheesy smile. "You're my queen."

"Oh, shut up Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said, smiling. "I don't date you for your uncanny romantic side."

"But you love it."

"That's debatable."

They stepped outside, and the first thing Percy noticed was—

"The ocean!" He exclaimed, running to the edge. "I thought we were going to land?"

"We did land," Natasha said. "We landed here. On the helicarrier. Which is in the ocean."

She glanced over to a jet that just landed. "That'll be Agent Coulson with Captain Rogers," she said. "They need him down at the bridge."

"Captain Rogers?" Annabeth said, her mouth slightly agape as she saw the figure leave the jet. "You don't mean... Steve Rogers?"

Natasha looked at Annabeth with amusement in her eyes. "Yes, Steve Rogers. The first ever superhuman."

"You mean the first human popsicle," Percy mumbled.

Annabeth's eyes doubled in size when she saw him up close. "Oh my gods," she muttered.

Percy glanced over at his girlfriend and scowled at the way she looked at Stephan Rupert or whatever his name was. He wasn't even that impressive, just tall, blue eyed, blonde, tan, and muscular. Nothing special.

Okay, maybe he was a little above average. But just a smidge.

"Hey." Natasha called them over from where she was talking to Rogers and another guy with salt-and-pepper curly hair and glasses who looked ridiculously like Hermes. "Steve, Doctor, these are our newest recruits."

Annabeth smiled, flustered. "Hi. I'm Annabeth."

Percy frowned. "Percy."

"I'm Steve," said Steve, reaching out and shaking Percy and Annabeth's hands.

"Bruce Banner," the doctor introduced with a nod.

"It's an honor to meet you, Doctor Banner," Annabeth said.

"Gentlemen, and lady," Natasha interjected. "You may want to step inside, it might be a little hard to breathe."

None of them moved. "Why?" Percy asked as the ground began to shake.

"Is this a submarine?" Steve asked, peering over the side.

"Really? They want me in a submerged, pressurized container?" Banner deadpanned.

Percy shrugged. "This seems fun. It's better... than..." he faltered, stepping back. Because at that moment, they began to rise out of the water. "This," he finished. "It's better than this. Which is exactly what we're doing." He almost fell over himself in an attempt to get away from the edge.

"Scared of heights?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow at Percy.

"More like heights are out to kill me," Percy muttered. "I'm going inside."

"So, how old are you?" Banner asked Annabeth as they followed a very quick moving Percy inside.

"Sixteen," said Annabeth. "I'm not a child. I can handle myself," she added almost defensively.

"I never doubted it. Why'd Fury get you two?"

"You first."

Banner smiled thinly. "Ah, we're playing that game. Well, they need me to track the tesseract. Agent Romanoff told you what the tesseract is, right?"

Annabeth nodded. Natasha had given them a brief overview of the mission in the helicopter, although Annabeth highly doubted Percy had heard anything. He had spent the entire ride curled up on the seat, clutching his water bottle to his stomach and staring into nothing. You'd think he had a man-period cramp.

"I've spent an extensive amount of my life in research on gamma radiation. I, ah, I'm supposedly their best chance to track the tesseract. You know about me, now why you?"

Annabeth was saved from answering by Nick Fury.

"Doctor, thank you for coming." The Director reached out to shake Bruce's hand.

He smiled grimly. "Thanks for asking so nicely."

"I see you've met Annabeth," Fury said, nodding to Annabeth. "Nice to finally meet you." On the helicopter, Agent Romanoff informed him of her decision to add Annabeth. He prayed she was right. S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't have time for tag-along children.

Annabeth shook Fury's extended hand. "How long are we here?"

"Doctor, you're free once we get our hands on the tesseract. Annabeth, you and Percy are needed to help out with Loki. You're our closest thing to a mythological god."

"Woah, woah, woah." Steve, who had neared them when Fury spoke, held up his hands. He pointed to Annabeth, then to Percy who he was talking to before. "Mythological gods?"

Fury feigned surprise. "Oh, did we not tell you yet? Yeah, Percy and Annabeth are part Greek god. Might've slipped my notice."

Banner nodded slowly. "Alright, alright. I won't ask questions. What's your radar scan on the tesseract?"

"We're screening every accessible camera on the planet. Laptops, cell phones— if it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us."

Annabeth frowned. "That's going to take too much time."

Banner nodded. "Call every lab you know. Put spectrometers on the roofs. Then calibrate them for gamma rays. That'll rule out a few places." He folded his jacket over his hands. "Do you have anywhere for me to work?"

"Agent Romanoff, would you please show Doctor Banner his laboratory please?" Fury asked Natasha. "And while you're at it, show Percy and Annabeth to the rooms."

"Oh, you're going to love them," Natasha said as she led Annabeth, Percy, and Banner away. "Here you are, doctor. And you two, follow me."

She led them down the hall to a door that looked exactly like the other ones. "Quarters are in here," she said, unlocking the door. "And if you need armor or weapons then come to me. Any questions?"

"Where's the bathroom?" Percy asked.

"Down the hall, first door on the left. Womens is on the right."

"Thanks." Percy bolted down the hall.

Natasha looked at Annabeth with an exasperated smile. "Is he always like this?"

Annabeth shrugged fondly. "Pretty much."

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