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"We need you to come in," Agent Coulson said sharply as soon as Agent Romanoff answered.

"I'm working," Natasha replied as clearly as she could with her hands tied behind her back and a dozen armed Russian soldiers around her. "You can't just—"

"Loki has Barton under control," Coulson interrupted. Judging from the silence that followed, he knew he got to her.

"Alright," The Black Widow relented. "Just let me take care of these idiots first."

Coulson hummed idly as Natasha completely destroyed her laughingly deluded captors. He could hear their thuds on the floor as they fell unconscious, then the silence that was filled only with the click of her heels against the floor.

"So where's Barton now?" Natasha asked calmly.

"We don't know. But he's alive. We'll fill you in completely when you get back. And we need you to talk to someone— we have his file here." Coulson glanced down at the few lines of text on the tablet in front of him, which was all the information they could get on the boy. File was stretching the term.

"A new recruit?" Natasha's curiosity was piqued. It wasn't often the Fury chose new people to join.

"Yes. After that, you need to get the big guy."

"Coulson, you know Tony trusts me as far as he can throw me," Natasha said skeptically.

"Oh we've got Stark," Coulson assured her. "You get the big guy."

He could hear her curse loudly in Russian as he hung up the phone.

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The Titan war was over, and Annabeth was sitting cross-legged on the sand of the beach of Montauk. She had been reluctant to butt into Percy's special Monatauk time with his mom, but both Percy and Sally had insisted.

"Please, Wise Girl?" Percy had asked with those baby seal eyes. So naturally Annabeth couldn't resist, and brought Daedalus' laptop down to the beach with her. She wasn't afraid of it getting wet either; it was waterproof. And fireproof. And sand proof. And sledge hammer proof. And—

"ARGH!" Annabeth spluttered through the massive wave that had suddenly completely doused her. Even though her laptop was waterproof, she most certainly wasn't. "PERSEUS JACKSON!"

But the Son of Poseidon was underwater. A massive water hand rose from the sea and wiggled its giant fingers at her before making a giant finger gun and squirting water at her. Annabeth ducked and rolled to the side, the wet sand sticking to her Camp Half Blood shirt like glitter to glue.

Percy rose out of the sea and skipped over to her, giggling like a schoolgirl.

"Hey, Wise Girl! You got a little sand on you," He chirped innocently.

"Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth screeched and tackled him. They wrestled for a few seconds before Annabeth gained the upper hand and straddled his stomach, knife to throat. Both of them could hardly breathe through the laughter (and the sand that had gotten in their mouths).

"I win," Annabeth said cheerfully after spitting out grains to the side. Percy stuck his tongue out at her when their playful squabble was suddenly interrupted.

"Percy!" Sally said, smiling at her son. "You have a visitor here."

The two glanced over to where Sally stood with another woman. She was somewhat taller than Sally, with dark red hair and green eyes and a black suit and a gun at her side. Her eyes glimmered almost predatorial-like, as if she was seizing up the pair.

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