Happy birthday to us

Start from the beginning

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him hard on the lips " you're such a gentleman" he chuckled and pecked me on the lips "you better get ready for school" i nodded and jumped up from my bed and ran over to my wardrobe pulling open the doors. I looked over my clothes and then out the window inspecting the weather, the trees were moving in the wind but the was out. I grabbed a pair of black high waist jeans and a floral vest.

I turned round and smiled at Harry before walking into the bathroom and turning my shower on. I jumped into the shower and washed my body with grapefruit body wash and my hair with strawberry scented shampoo, I shaved everywhere and turned the shower off before drying my body. I brushed my teeth and then applied my makeup before pulling on my white underwear.

I pulled my clothes on tucking my top into my jeans before leaving the bathroom, I walked over to my bedside table and grabbed my contacts putting them in. I blinked a couple of times before smiling  I dried my hair and waled over to the door grabbing my school bag. I ran downstairs to see Harry dressed sat at the kitchen island talking to James with a coffee in his hands, i walked into the kitchen and took a seat next to Harry and grabbing myself the coffee James bought me.

We sat there for a while chatting about anything and everything before it was time for James and I to go to school and Harry to go to work, Harry grabbed his cuff links that I bought him and attached them to his top before sliding his Blazer on and straightening his clothes out. James grabbed his Jacket I bought him and pulled it over his clothes and pulled his bag on, and I just grabbed my leather jacket and pulled it on over my top.

All three of us walked out om my house, me closing it behind us " May, I will see you later make sure you wear something formal for our meal tonight" I smiled and kissed him on the lips before pulling away and walking over to my car. I waved at Harry just as I got into my car, he waved back blowing me a kiss which I caught and put into my pocket. I started my car up and waited for James to clip himself in before reversing out of my house.

James and I arrived at school and jumped out of my car and headed to the main building, whilst we were walking Anna came up and pulled James away and left me by myself, I sighed and carried on walking towards the main building. Just as I got to the door a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back "May Happy birthday!" I heard that high pitched voice say which belonged to Tiffany. I turned round and smiled at Tiffany who was holding a present " hey, Tiffany" she smiled and hugged me "I got you a present for your 19th birthday", I smiled and took the present. bag she was holding " thank you Tiffany".

I pulled apart the ribbon that was holding the bag shut, I looked inside the bag and pulled out a card and a little box. I opened the little box and gasped, Tiffany had bought me a charm bracelet that already had 5 charms on. I looked up at Tiffany and smiled " thank you so much, but you really didn't have to buy me this present" she shook her head " no, i really did. I want to be your friend and friends buy each other Birthday presents".

I smiled up at Tiffany once more " well it is truly a beautiful bracelet, so thank you so much Tiffany" she smiled before pulling me into a huge hug, I awkwardly hugged her back and waited for her to pull away. The bell rung and Tiffany pulled away " I would stay longer but if I'm late one more time I will get put onto report" I smiled " it's no problem" she smiled and ran to her homeroom. I started making my ways towards my homeroom, but first I had to stop by my locker and put this Tiffany's present in their.

I put the present in my locker and ran down the halls to my homeroom, I don't want to get in trouble on my birthday. I pushed open the door just as my name was called "here" I shouted making sure look up at me and frown " why are you late miss" So much for not getting in trouble... stupid Tiffany. I looked over at my teacher " Tiffany bought me a birthday present and I gad to go put it in my locker" he nodded ' I wont mark you late seeing ad it is your birthday and all, but don't let it happen again" I nodded my head and walked to the back of the class room and sat down next to James.

"Thanks for leaving me James" I said, I can't believe that he actually left me on my birthday "sorry May Anna wanted to talk to me" I grunted "whatever" I mumbled. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and text-ed Harry about what James did. The bell rung and I got up from my seat and headed towards my R.E lesson, James was following closely behind me but not saying anything I guess he knew that I was annoyed with him.

I pushed open the door to R.E and smiled at my teacher who wished me a Happy birthday and took a seat at the back. James took the seat next to me even though Anna begged him to sit next to her, I guess he felt bad for ditching me earlier. The teacher started the lesson and I pulled out my phone and my earphones, I pushed them into my ears and pressed play on my music. I put the phone down on the table and zoned out blocking everything out, I got bought out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated loudly on the table making students turn round "sorry it's my boyfriend". I laughed because some of the guys groaned in annoyance and the girls glared, I picked my phone up and read the text 'aww baby, he left you don't worry i will never leave you and Happy birthday again' I smiled and replied with ' you better not leave me, and happy birthday to you baby' I clicked send and placed the phone back on my desk.

The morning passed quickly and it was now lunch time, James and I are now talking after he begged and begged for me to speak to him. It was actually quite funny watching him beg but I couldn't let him do it anymore so I spoke to him. James and i were currently sat outside lead on grass eating the small birthday cake he bought me, " May?" James said "yeah" he turned on his side and back at me " I think you should carry on the bucket list with Harry, Anna wants to do one with me that's what she dragged me off about earlier". I looked at him " and you said yes to doing it?" he nodded his head " I can't believe you would do that" I said feeling my anger start to come out " May, I'm sorry it wa...". I cut him off " we were meant to do ours together but that Anna bitch had to go and ruin it". I grabbed my bag and walked off and headed towards the school gym, I have to take my anger out somehow.

I changed into my sports bra and shorts and went over to the punch bag and started to punch it hard making the bag fly back, I carried on hitting it till my knuckles were red and there was sweat dripping down my head. I stopped and wiped the sweat away from my head when I heard clapping coming from behind me. I turned round swiftly to see the male gym teacher stood there with an impressed look on his face, "quite a punch you got there..." I sighed "May little-wood" he nodded " the famous runner miss guy goes on about" i nodded "The one and only" he chuckled "well May, I think you should take boxing up". I shook my head "I'm not interested in that" he nodded his head "very well May, if you ever change your mind let me know" I nodded and walked past coach and went to the changing rooms to shower and change.

I washed the sweat off my body and changed back into my clothes, I didn't feel anymore anger, I was just insanely annoyed at the bitch Anna. I checked my phone to see that i had missed the 5th lesson and half of my last one, there was no point in going back to lessons now. I walked down to my locker and grabbed the gift out of my locker and headed for the student car park to drive home and get ready for tonight's meal with Harry.

Thank you for reading, sorry if there are a lot of mistakes i had to update on my phone because my mum made me stay downstairs all day but hey i did update.

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