Why must is be so hard to buy a present

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woooo here is another part to my story and omg i nearly got 100 views on this storyy but i hope i can get 14,000 like my other story.

sorrry for mistakes

enjoy this chapter :*

The school day went pretty quickly and I spent all my day with James going from lesson to lesson and just chatting, It was now the end of the day and I had to go buy James and Harry there birthday presents.. well one birthday present and one late birthday present. I said my good byes to James and told him he couldn't come with me to the mall as I was buying his late birthday present all he said was 'let me pick It, It'll be easier' I laughed and walked away from him, which means that I am currently stood by my car.

I grabbed my keys out of my back pack and unlocked my car, I threw my bag into the back and got into my car. I put the keys into the ignition and reversed out of the car park and waved good bye to James when I saw him walking towards his car, yeah! He finally got his own car!.


I parked my car and grabbed my purse and jumped out of my car locking it behind me, I pulled my hair into a bun and walked over to the mall. I walked in the doors and got hit by the burst of warmth and the different smells of different foods. I decided it was a good idea to get something to eat before I started to shop as I haven't eaten since lunch time which was a couple of hours ago now. I grabbed a salad from a little salad bar and started to walk around the mall looking through the different shops searching for the right presents.


I have been at the mall for over an hour and still no luck on finding the perfect gifts for Harry and James and its starting to really annoy me, I walked into Starsons clothing and walked over to the guys clothing. I was looking through the tops when I saw a jacket in the corner of my eye, I turned my head and saw the perfect present for James it was a black Jacket that had Starsons logo on the breast. I grabbed the price tag and saw it was only $45 because it was in the sale it would have been $95. I grabbed the Jacket and carried on looking round in the distance I saw a pair of shorts that were really nice, I walked up to them and grabbed my size and put them over my arm with James' jacket. I found nothing in here for Harry so I went up to the till and paid for my items and left the shop.

One present down, one more to go. I looked through a few more shops and found nothing I was about to give up and come back tomorrow but I saw a pair of cuff links in a jewellery shop window. I walked into the shop and went to the counter “ hey can I look at those cuff links in the window please” I asked the lady at the check out she smiled and walked over to the display window and grabbed them and placed them in front of me. I looked down at the cuff links and looked at the little engraved H in them, this was the perfect present for Harry seeing as he is a business man and all.

I picked the cuff links up and examined them they were fairly small but perfect Harry “ How much are these?” I asked the lady at the counter “ they're $55” I grabbed my purse and checked if I had enough money to buy them, luckily I had enough “ can I buy them please” the lady nodded and took away the cuff links and started to put them into a little box and wrapped them up and took them to another lady on the counter. I walked over to the counter where the lady was scanning the cuff links and packing them into one of the fancy bags “ that will be $55 please” I smiled and handed her the money and grabbed the bag, the lady passed me my receipt and I left the shop.

Finally I had finished shopping and I could go home but before I go I decided to get an iced coffee from Starbucks. I walked into Starbucks and got hit with the aromas of coffee and cake, I walked up to the counter and asked for an ice coffee. I gave the women my money and waited for her to make my drink.

Meeting the Billionaireحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن