Part 40

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Mina opened her door into her house.
She sighed.
Feeling tired.
She lazily slumped herself onto the couch.
Gave her forehead a little squeeze.
She heard a noise upstairs.
She gasped.
'Should i go check it?'
'Or should i not?'
'In horror movies, I'd curse the person who checks out the noise cause obviously something bad's gonna come out'
She thought to herself.
'Well this isn't a movie right?'
She took out her phone and texted Jimin.
"Baby, where r u? I'm scared i think there's someone in my house. Pls come hurry!"
A few seconds later, she heard a phone ringtone upstairs.
She gulped.
She tried calling Jimin's phone.
She heard a phone ringing upstairs.
'NO !'
She screamed in her head.
Worried if something might've happen to her boyfriend.
Slowly she crept upstairs.
The only door opened was her's.
She pushed the door wider.
She cried .

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