Chapter 3- Hasty Decisions

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Chapter 3

I never knew Louis was actually serious about helping John out with me. A few days later, he was one of the guys who helped make sure John wasn’t going to chicken out from asking me out on a date. I was curious about John. Maybe he is a nice guy. Maybe I just needed to get to know him even better, so I said yes.

The date wasn’t bad. He took me to some local Italian restaurant. We got to know each other better, and maybe I kind of… grew to like him just a little bit. He was a really nice guy. He was a smooth talker, charismatic and a really great guy to be around. Maybe Louis and Jacob were right. I just needed to get to know him more.

Jacob approached me the day after that, and asked me what had happened, where he took me, and what he said. With Daddy Killian watching, I decided to play safe and told him to ask John himself. Killian did find out about the date. He and Kaitlyn weren’t particularly happy with that. All they said was “If that boy can’t even ask for your number himself, how much more if he’s asking you to be his girlfriend?”

It did take me a few months to forget about my first kiss incident. I eventually forgave Louis for what he did, seeing that he was keeping his word and wanting to be my friend. Louis gave me a spoiler that John was going to ask me out again, which he did, and Louis did a lot of help into making that night awesome.

It was nearing the end of the second now. Ah, time flies by so fast. I actually grew to like John Patrick Anders. I never thought I would, but I did.

“Marcia Maspion?” I turned around to see a slightly geeky boy standing in front of me. For a boy with silver glasses and braces, he actually seemed pretty cute. He smiled at me.

“Hi,” he said. “I’m Blake. I’m John’s best friend.”

“Oh yes,” we shook hands. “John has told me about you.” I saw his facial expression change into slight hesitation. “Yeah, about that… there’s something I need to tell you about John.” I started to worry and asked him what he meant.

“It’s just that John has a tendency to change his mind in the middle of relationships,” he said. “I know that you and John aren’t quite there yet, but I just wanted to tell you that. You seem like a nice girl Marcia, quite different from the other girls he’s dated. But please just keep your guard around John at all times. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

 I narrowed my eyes on him. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Look Marcia, John has dated a few girls throughout freshman year alone, but there’s only one girl who’s won his heart, and I don’t know about you but I think he hasn’t completely moved on from her yet.”

I began studying the boy in front of me. What was he playing at? John never seemed like the kind of guy Blake is describing for me now. Whenever he’s with me, he’s different.

“Maybe I’ve changed him, Blake,” I said. “Maybe I’ve helped him forget-.”

“Still,” he insisted. “Just be careful around him, Marcia. You’re a different girl, I’ll give you that, but I just hope you change him. You know, prove that the world doesn’t revolve around one girl.” And with that as his last words, he walked away. Well, that was… new.


It didn’t take long before classes ended. I walked towards Room 208 to pick up Kaitlyn, since Killian was going to be serenading his mystery girl today. Kaitlyn and I walked in silence towards our usual spot in the soccer field. We decided to just do nothing for today and read our eBooks. We haven’t had a nerdy afternoon since classes started.

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