Chapter 2-My First Kiss

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Hi everyone! Here's the second chapter :) I hope you like it :)) 

And oh, this chapter will not be complete without listening to My First Kiss by 3OH3 ft. Kesha and You Got Me by Colbie Caillat :)


Chapter 2

Marcia Maspion

            Ever since Jacob spilled the beans about John’s feelings for me, I didn’t really know how to act. How the heck did this happen? How could John-one of the cute guys in school-actually say he likes her? We didn’t even know much about each other. Plus, I’m the really quiet girl! How can a social guy like him grow feelings for the introvert?  This just didn’t seem possible. Instead of giving my opinion on the situation, though, I just smiled and walked away. I didn’t ignore John. Goodness, no. I wasn’t that type of person. I just seemed to hang out with him more, for some strange reason. Maybe I just wanted to get to know him better, so I could see if maybe I could learn to return his feelings.

I don’t know.

Today was a Saturday. But because we were having a chamber theater on my short story, we had to practice. God, why can’t I enjoy my weekend like a normal person? Why do we always have to practice on weekends? This is how I ended up in my bedroom with seven of my classmates: Louis, the popular playboy, Jaime, our class president, Eleanor, and Preston Wilkins, our bisexual vice-president, playing spin-the-bottle. Some practice, huh?

The game went to a really funny start. The bottle pointed at Eleanor first, to which she was dared to sexually rub Roy McCoy’s stomach, and Roy isn’t the most masculine guy around, so the must have been a terrible experience for her. The next landed on Naomi Jenkins, who was dared to twerk. The bottle then landed on Preston, to which he was dared to give his worst pickup lines to Lucy Craig. The bottle then stopped at me. Great. I closed my eyes, praying that it wouldn’t be bad as Jaime thought of a “fun but dangerous dare” for me. And she just had to pick the worst dare of all, to kiss Louis Smith.

The group surrounding me right now made a bunch of gag noises, while I just sat there, looking at Louis is disgust. No, absolutely out of the question! I am not giving my first kiss to a… a… playboy!

“Are you going to make the first move?” Preston asked. “Or is Louis going to have to do it himself? I heard he’s an awfully good kisser.”

I felt completely disgusted at this. Sure he’s… cute. But Louis isn’t my type. I like quiet guys like me, and Louis definitely wasn’t a quiet guy. He’s a popular guy, and a playboy at that. Isn’t there another option?

Silence fell upon my bedroom, and I could almost break down in tears. So this is it, then? Am I just going to accept my fate? How am I going to answer people who ask me how my first kiss went? Oh I don’t know. I was a sophomore, sitting all innocent in my bedroom when some playboy was dared to kiss me?! Oh sure, that’ll be a very interesting and inspiring story.

I could do nothing but look with complete worry as Louis crawled closer to where I was sitting, and I closed my eyes. No, no, don’t do that. He can’t do that, can he? Who am I kidding? He’s probably done this to a million girls before! How am I any different?

And there I felt his lips on mine.

The warmth of his lips was gone as soon as I opened my eyes. Oh, god. No, no, no, no! My first kiss is gone! It was taken by this bastard in front of me.

“That was amazing, Marcia,” he whispered at me. I could only laugh at his statement. I didn’t even kiss the idiot back. How on earth was that an amazing experience for him?

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