one splash of water

Start from the beginning

"Guys! The fame will blow away like any hot topics! Soon there will be something new the public can woo about and we'll be left alone. We just need to suck it up a little longer!", Lloyd intervened.

"Lloyd, don't you get it? We're the ninja, the protectors of Ninjago! Not some teenage pop band! I think we should cancel this stupid deal with Darreth!", Cole faced their leader.

"Well, that's your opinion!", Kai got in front of Cole. "We accepted it for a reason!"

"Lloyd, you're only thinking about what would please the public, but we can't keep this act up! Kai, you only care about fame, don't you!? And you two-,", Nya snapped as she turned to Zane and Jay, her fist clenched and teeth gritted. "Only care about money! I'm sick of this!"

"Nya, wait!", Jay pleaded as she stomped away from them, boiling in anger.

"Great, look what you-"

"Shut up, boulderbrain, or I'll make you!", Jay threatened, looking him dead in eye, before he walked away.

Nya paced in her bedroom, wording her anger to no one. Jay knocked on the door, but got no more response than a "go away!"

"Nya, I'm sorry. But... Just, I- I'm sorry", he apologized softly on the other side of the door. "Please, let me in. We'll solve it, alright?"

Nya threw herself on her bed. She wanted a hug, she wanted someone to tell her that it'll all be okay. 'But if I stay strong, maybe he'll go to our side'

"Get bent!"

A heavy sigh was released outside her room and he left, his feet dragging on the floor for every step.

Time skip 2 days

Darreth was itching for something brand new for the ninja, for the guys at least, the paparazzi and reporters were hungry on gossip and scandals, Cole was nowhere to be found and Jay did not come crawling back to Nya begging for mercy, which was new. All in all, things was getting worse by the minute.

Nya felt bad for snapping at the guys, especially Jay. So she decided to apologize to the ones she snapped at and ask if anyone has seen Cole recently.

First, Kai.

"Kai, I'm sorry for saying that you only care about fame!", Nya said outside his door.

A few seconds and the door opened, revealing Kai smirking. "Took you long enough to swallow your pride"

Nya rolled her eyes, smiling as Kai admitted thoughtfully. "Thought you weren't wrong about that"

"Have you seen Cole recently?"

"Cole? Nah. Don't care either", he shrugged.

Next, Zane.

She knocked on his door multiple times but there was no response. "Are you looking for me?"

Nya jumped as she turned around to face him. "Oh! Hello. Um, I'm sorry for snapping at you"

He smiled at her warmly. "I'm sorry too, you were right after all"

"Do you know where Cole might be?"

"He's usually in his room or in the kitchen, but I haven't seen him in a while. I'm worried that something might've happened", Zane said in concern.

Nya had already been to his room yesterday. His bed was wet, which worried her sick. Could someone have...? 'No, it's probably nothing'

After that, she went to Lloyd.

His door was slightly ajar so she couldn't help but to peek inside. She couldn't see much, just a plain white wall and a wooden drawer, an empty waterbottle and a Starfarer minifigure on top of it.

"Who's there?", Lloyd asked inside the room, startling her.

"It's Nya", she said and stood up straight. "I came to say sorry!"

"Uh, okay...?", he said, surprised. He opened the door slightly wider and poked his head out.

"Also, when was the last time you saw Cole?"

"I don't know, yesterday or the day before that maybe?"

Lastly, Jay.

Nya took a deep breath as she knocked on the door.

"W-what?", he said from inside, not opening the door. His voice cracked slightly.

"I'm sorry for being mean and denying your apology!", she said.

Jay sighed as he murmured something.


"Y-yeah, it's fine, n-nothing to worry about"

"Hey, do you know where Cole is?"

"N-no, why? I don't remember you snapping at him"

Nya felt the tears in her eyes. No one has seen Cole and there was water in his bed. Cole, being a ghost, can't stand water. Ghosts' dissolves in water.

Ghosts' dies in water.

Who was the murderer?
Why do you think so?
How hard was it?(1-10)

Nya: hey guys! Extra long chapter here!

Cole: thank you XxNinjagoFanGirlxX25 for requesting!

Author: anyway-


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