The dagger

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Sensei Wu

(I can't see the line between season 1 and 2 on top of my head so somewhere there I suppose XD)

"Misako, I'm glad you made it", sensei Wu greeted as Misako walked in to Destiny's Bounty, the ninjas home and headquarter.

"Me too", she replied with a soft smile. "Is it okay for you and your students if I stay here for a while?"

"Of course. You're always welcome here" he answered calmly.

"Hi, mom!", Lloyd chirped happily behind her, suprising the old lady before she laughted a little. 

"Oh my! Don't sneak up on me like that", she scolded jokingly before giving her son a big hug. "I've missed you a lot, sweetie"

"Mooooom!", he groaned as the others laughted at the cute scene displaying infront of them.

Time skip to 8 pm

"Hyah!", Lloyd grunted as he punched the dummy. The moon was as bright as the sun itself making it easy to see and hit his target. The sky was dark with a marine blue touch to it and the soothing cool breezes gave him a calming effect. He had this nauseous feeling, something he always had if something was wrong or if something bad was going to happen. He had felt this for days yet nothing happened. He started to loose trust to his gut feelings.

He continued punching for awhile before finishing it of with a high kick. Suddenly a gunshot was heard, shattering the calm atmosphere in the Bounty. He turned around for a moment to locate where the sound came from just for the dummy to swing back full force against him tossing him around 5 feet away. His body ached in pain but adrenaline pumped trough his body making the pain almost unnoticeable.

"Ugh", he grunted and took shaky breaths, holding onto the railing to stand up. With support from the railing and the walls he made it indoors and heard his friends and uncle gasp as most of them stood outside Misako's room.

"Wh-what-", he started to ask before he saw it. The open window illuminated a stab-wound on the poor woman's neck and a small bullethole trough her head, creating small streams of blood that gathered itself in a big puddle below her. Her pale lifeless corpse stunk a horrible, rather fresh, copper smell. His voice dropped as the colors seemed to drain away from his skin. "...happened"

Time skip next day

Nobody could sleep that night, at least not Lloyd. Sensei Wu had called the police to investigate closer and it seemed like she had been dead for a couple of hours before she got shot. Sadly they didn't find any fingerprints on the body. Their sensei went to the police station because he would probably be able to help them.

Lloyd rolled his temporary wheelchair around as he could barely walk and would be using this in a couple of days. As he passed his mother's room he looked away with a grim expression to suppress the memory of seing her dead. The wheelchair suddenly bumped into something small as it shook him a little before returning to normal.

"What was that?", he asked himself, backing to where the little bump was. As it was barely visible, a tiny bump in the corridor carpet stuck out. He reached down for it and carefully pushed it out. It was a dagger.

"Huh?", he said, sort of recognizing the dagger from somewhere, if not someone. "Why is this one here?"

"Why would someone do this! doesn't make any sense!", a voice said that belonged to the blue ninja in the kitchen. Lloyd hid it in his pocket and listened.

"To panic won't help, we have to calm down and wait until they've solved this", someone answered him. Lloyd rolled in to the kitchen where Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane and Nya sat around the table and discussed about Misako's death.

Jay came up with lots of odd theories, probably having a panic attack. Cole was trying to calm him down and Zane came up with more rational theories. Nya had buried her head in her hands while Kai was rubbing her back whispering calming words in her ear. None of them seemed to see or hear him coming.

He quietly approached them all and placed the dagger on the table. This catched their attention as they all got silent to focus on the single dagger infront of them.

"What's that?", Jay questioned breaking the silence.

"It's a golden nick dagger", Zane stated earning a glare from Jay and a nudge from Cole. "Oh, I'm sorry. Was that not what you meant?"

"It's possible evidence", Lloyd responded, gaining the others attention. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his cool. "It was tucked in under the corridor carpet outside my mother's room, pure luck that I even found it"

"Do you think that this was the murder weapon?", Cole asked with a frown.

"Maybe the murderer didn't have time to dispose it when everyone came rushing", Jay theorized.

"If it's not to set someone up of course", Nya said. "Do you think that if we gives it to the police they will find some fingerprints on it?"

"Sure that they'll find fingerprints, but from all of us since that's one of our training equipment", Kai pointed out.

"I don't think that we need any fingerprints to know who the killer is", Lloyd stated. "Because it was-"

Who is the murderer?
Why do you think so?
How hard was it (1-10)?


Lloyd: sorry for the simple writing, English isn't the author's mother tongue, and there may be spelling and grammar mistakes in this and the chapters before

Author: and don't look for reasons in this one, I couldn't find any reason to kill such a lovely woman

Misako: aw, thank you, dear! And thank you Sakura-chan-love for requesting!

Lloyd: anyways-


Lloyd: I really thought you wouldn't make it to deadline

Author: that's how I work with practically anything, wait until close to deadline XD

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