coffee and tea

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Christmas special
After season 4

Sensei Wu
"You sure it's a good idea?"

"Yes! Of course it is!"

It was early afternoon, and Kai and Nya were discussing how they would celebrate Christmas this year. Or rather, how they would make the team more comfortable around Skylor.

"I think it'll get a little too uncomfortable for them", Nya said, uncertainty tainting her voice.

"But she's good now, she's with us! And this can be a great opportunity to make them more open to each other!", Kai protested, it was clear that he wouldn't give up.

"You're right, she's actually very nice when you get to know her...",  Nya nodded slowly in agreement, taking a sip from her coffee.

"Exactly! We just need to show the others that! The only sides they know of her is her polite side, competitive side and deceiving side. Now, there's no hidden motives, and she would probably have no problem spending Christmas with us!", Kai said enthusiastically, hands flying around as he spoke.

"We could also have this as a bonding time for the rest of the team since Zane has been gone for so long, and we haven't seen each other much before the tournament", Nya continued Kai's idea.

"You're a genius! Team bonding AND a proper introduction. Christmas is great for that stuff", Kai made a loud clap with his hands.

"We can take a train to Garmadon's monastery. It's very roomy and flying in this cold weather is a bad idea", Nya smiled.

"Absolutely! Wait, I thought you were against me?", her brother raised an eyebrow at that realization.

"Well, Skylor and I have become close friends, and I too would appreciate it if the team and her got into good terms with each other", Nya admitted.

Time skip 5 days (cuz ain't nobody got time for that!)

It took its own sweet time to make the others agree on their plan, but they finally did. It was the 23rd December and they would take an overnight train from New Ninjago City to Aa'eedah village, where Garmadon's monastery was located, which would take up to a day or so to get there. (Aa'eedah village is not a canon place fyi, just something I made up)

"I... I've never taken a train before...", Skylor trailed off as she breathed out some air on her cold hands before rubbing them together. It was freezing cold at the train station where they waited. The train would arrive in only a couple of minutes, so they all had to get out and get ready.

"Really? It's really fun! Though that time when I was almost killed by a train was not so fun, but other than that it's great! The-", Jay got a not-so-gentle nudge from Zane. "Ow! What was that for!?"

Cole rolled his eyes with a small smirk on his face while Kai facepalmed, Nya couldn't help but giggle a little. Then the train that they've been waiting for finally arrived.

"Everyone got their tickets?", sensei Wu asked the group of teens who nodded. "Then we should get going"

Time skip 30 minutes

The group of eight was split into two small rooms far from each other. Kai, sensei Wu, Zane, and Lloyd shared a room on the third wagon while the others shared a room on the fourth one.

When the first group had made themselves comfortable, Lloyd lay down on his assigned bed, which was the bottom bunk bed to the left. Zane had already left the room while Kai and sensei Wu sat on the latter's bed, talking.

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